Magi (Wise Men)
(Matthew 2:1-18)
Use these discussion questions for the various events in the Christmas Story related to the Wise men.
- Why was Jesus important to the Wise men?
- Since they were not even Jews, why do you think the wise men left everything to search for Jesus?
- What were the possible meanings for the gifts brought by the Magi?
- How did the wise men respond when they found Jesus? What is our response when we find Jesus?
- What kind of king do you think Herod was?
- Why was Herod so threatened by a baby? What was it that he feared if Jesus were allowed to his place in history?
- What fears do you have if Jesus were to fulfill his place in your life?
- If God had not spoken to the Magi in a dream, what could have happened to Jesus?
- What are some lessons, truths, attitudes, and responses can we learn from the Wise men? Herod?

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