The Birth of Christ
(Matthew 1:18-2:12; Luke 2:1-40)
Use these discussion questions for the various events in the Christmas Story related to the birth of Christ.
- How do you think Mary and Joseph felt about traveling and her pregnancy?
- How would you feel after walking 70 miles?
- Who was in control of the events leading to Jesus’ birth-God or Caesar?
- What does the census tell us about God’s timing and control of world events?
- How did God use Caesar’s census to fulfill Old Testament prophecy?
- Has anything ever happened to you that you later understood to be in God’s plan?
- With no room in the inn, what do you think Mary and Joseph might have felt?
- Do you think someone might have made room if they had known more about the child Mary was carrying?
- In what ways do we make room for Jesus? Have there been times in your own life when you failed to make room for him?
- What can we learn about Mary and Joseph from the events related to the Census and the Birth?
- Why do you think God arranged these circumstances in this way?
- Have there been times in your own life, when you knew God’s plans, but circumstances seemed to be in conflict with that plan?

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