Mary, Mother of Jesus
(Matthew 1:18, Luke 1:26-56, 2:1-19)
Use these discussion questions for the various events in the Christmas Story related to Mary.
- How did God’s Words to Mary compare with those given to Elizabeth and Zechariah?
- What was Mary’s response?
- How does Mary’s response compare to that of other characters in the Christmas story?
- What things were revealed to Mary? Why do you think these things were revealed to her? How would these things affect her life?
- What feelings might she have had upon hearing these things? What fears, doubts and expectations might she have?
- How do you think Mary felt about giving birth to the promised Messiah?
- Considering the time and the culture in which Mary lived, do you think that Mary felt she was special enough to be used by God?
- Do you think she truly understood everything?
- Her response was from the position that she was God’s servant. If you responded to God in the same way, what is he asking you to do? “I am the Lord’s servant. Therefore, I will…”
- Why do you think God chose Mary?
- How do you think Mary felt upon hearing Elizabeth’s greeting?
- What are some things that Mary’s song reveal about her? What are some of the themes? What does it say about her view of God? What does it say about God’s plans? How does this song compare with that of Zechariah?
- What was Mary’s response at the end to all the events of Christmas?
- What are some lessons, truths, attitudes, and responses can we learn from Mary?

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