God set in the sky a marvelous star. Astronomers have discussed for many centuries what the star must have been. Some have suggested that it was a conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn. Others have said that it is a reference to an evanescent star found in Chinese literature. Others believe it might have been a comet, or a supernova.
But whatever it was, it was something new. It was something unusual. It was something surprising. It was something different. It was something unique that prompted the attention of the wisemen. They were compelled by a sense of needing to understand. But their journey was more than the satisfaction of curiosity, the seeking of knowledge. Scripture says that when they were asked about their journey, they said they were in search of a King of the Jews so that they might worship him.
The star led them a long way from home. For these ancients it was not an endearing thing to leave home, family and friends and go beyond the borders of one’s own country into a different territory altogether. Yet, this star drove them across their borders. Every step took them farther and farther away from the security of home and everything that was dear to them. Their adventure was to find this person born to transform humankind and change the course of human history.
The road may have been difficult, but the end was certain. You see, God doesn’t call a person on an adventure in vain. These Magi discovered a little baby, and in discovering the baby, they discovered Christmas – not in a palace, in a synagogue, not in a mansion. Though Christ had been born in a cattle shed, the wisemen knew Jesus for what He was. They understood this child was special. This discovery was one to which they were prepared to respond.
The journey that God has for each of us may be different, but the goal is the same: That we might find a King to rule our lives and to worship Him. Our journey might take us far from that which is comfortable or familiar. But when we find him we will be transformed and our lives will be changed. Will you respond?

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