For half a lifetime he wandered the empty night, alone and hopeless, until a simple melody pierced the darkness and caught his attention. Making the melody was a young man, a musician, with a sensitive ear, and an even more sensitive heart. The musician walked the same street, but he walked, not by sight, but by sound. As he encountered people he saw beyond their masks. He heard the sounds of their voices and felt the rhythm of their heartbeats. He saw each life as an instrument and within each heart a potential melody. And though one man hid behind his sunglasses, the musician heard his heart. Rather than trusting his vision, he used his music to pierce through the empty shell, and like the clapper in a church bell, encouraged the sound of love to ring out from the
As that love rang out, the musician was himself touched. He realized he could do more than just listen to the music of others — he could do more than simply share a melody. With his sensitive ear, and his more sensitive heart, he could help tune other instruments and help other hearts make a melody. He discovered that a solitary note in a lightless reality could be added to his own, and two notes provide a wonderful harmony. They compliment each other. As the harmony grows, new notes are shared and in time a melody of praise and worship fills the air!
A solitary figure stumbling down a darkened street is replaced by two musicians dancing in the sunlight as the sound of their music drives away the darkness. They know their most significant achievement is their song. Sometimes their moving melodies diverge and at other times they are again rejoined in harmony. Sometimes the timing is out of sync and the notes are flat. There may be moments of discord, but the music continues and, with it, others draw near to listen. Soon, they also join in the song as each rings out in his own special way. In time, as each plays his part, the Composer’s manuscript will be heard as he intended–as a grand symphony of Praise and Worship.
Take note When you can’t see in the dark, you can follow the music!
Do you feel you are stumbling alone in the dark?
Would you describe yourself as the musician or the man hidden behind the sunglasses?
What is it you hide behind?
Do you judge others by what you see (i.e. by appearances) or by their heart?
Do you see the potential in others or do you focus on the flaws?
Is your life a melody of the love of God?
Are you a solitary note? Do you bring discord or harmony?
Is your life out of tune or out of sync?
What is your part? What melody have you been chosen to play?
The most significant thing you can do with your life is praise and worship of your Creator!
When your life becomes a song of praise and worship you will be unable to stop yourself from singing out, and will boldly proclaim his love to all you meet. Have you lost your song?
What needs to happen in your life, for you to get back in tune, to become and instrument of praise and worship?
Copyright ©2000 by Ken Sapp. All Rights reserved!

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.