Congratulations. I am giving you a brand new car. It’s reliable, efficient, and runs well. It can take you anywhere you need to go.
Are you excited?
But there are a couple conditions.
- You are only allowed to use the car one day per week. The rest of the week it must remain at my home and you are not allowed to use it.
- The one morning per week when you can use it, I will come to your house and pick you up. You can ride with me in the passenger seat and follow me wherever I go. We will only go the places I want to go and do the things I want to do. After a few hours, I’ll drop you off back at your home until our special day next week when we will do the same thing.
Unfortunately, this is the same thing we do when we become Christians.
We give Jesus our life. We have a new life, filled with possibilities. All things are possible. Jesus can take us to incredible new places and enable us to do things we never dreamed possible. He can take us anywhere we need to go.
But when we give him our life, we place conditions on it.
- You can only have my life, but only one day a week – on Sunday. The rest of the week my life is mine to live as I wish.
- On Sunday, I’ll decide what church activities I will attend and Jesus, you can be there with me. But remember, I am in charge. I am in control. You are merely a passenger as long as it is convenient. You cannot make decisions. All the choices are mine to make.
Then after you have had your time with me I’ll take my life back and see you again next week. If you are lucky, I might give you a call once in a while, but only if I need something.
Have you given Jesus a car, or have you given him your life?

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.