Sripture: Psalm 17:6-8
From the poetry of David we have a rich heritage that leads us to some of the most effective ways to worship God.
The striking truth found in the life of David and particularly in this psalm is not that David was simply a powerful or righteous man; the striking truth is that a man so powerful and so righteous needed a Savior. David cries out to God, “Show me the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.” David, a man of power and righteousness, needed a Savior.
So it is with all men. For if the mighty need a Savior, how much more those of us who are only average or even weak.
While constantly being pursued by his enemies David learned a very important lesson. The issue is not the ability or the inability of a man to save himself. The issue is the enormity of the predicament that he is in. No man can hope to win a battle in which the odds are stacked against him. His only hope is in God. In such a situation it is God alone who saves.
And the same is true for each of us. The issue is not our ability or inability to save ourselves but the enormity of the predicament that we face. Thanks be to God that our predicament has been matched by his sending us the one who would be called “Mighty God” and He is Jesus Christ our Savior. “Born to us, in the city of David, is a Savior”
All men, no matter how powerful and righteous, need a Savior, and all men, no matter how weak and wicked have a Savior.
Take a few moments to thank Jesus Christ, the Mighty God for what He’s done for you.

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