Growing up, we lived in the country and my family had quite a collection of animals. We had turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens, and rabbits. I was given the daily responsibility of feeding them and collecting the eggs which the birds unselfishly contributed to our family.
We had chickens which laid brown eggs, green eggs, blue eggs and white eggs. Turkey eggs were a bit larger and were white with brown speckles. Duck eggs were even larger. The largest eggs were by far the goose eggs.
Every morning we would check their nests and while we were doing so there were always a few that would sing out. On some days we would have lots of eggs and on others all the birds seemed to go on strike.
Some of the eggs were VERY small. There were times when I felt like getting a goose egg and showing it to the chickens and saying, “Now take a good look at this and try harder.” But even if I had, it wouldn’t have made much difference.
Each type of bird laid a characteristic egg and no amount of encouragement would make them lay a different egg.
As Christians, you might also say we each have our own eggs. We also have our own characteristic contributions to the family of God:
Some people are easily eggcitable. Others tend toward eggsaggeration. Some are eggstroverted. Some are gifted in eggsplanations of God’s word while others have a gift of eggsaltation. Some set great eggsamples. Some seem eggsellent at almost everything they do. Some are gifted with eggcitement, or eggsortation, or eggsperience in many different areas. Some cover the eggspenses of ministry. And like at home, there are a few who sing out as well… most often to the music of “Lord I Eggstol you.”
Of course there are always a few rotten eggs. Those who have unrealistic eggspectations, eggsclude others, and eggsploit people. There are those who are always making eggcuses and always focusing on eggsternal things.
Jesus said you can tell a tree by its fruit. But you can also tell a bird by its eggs.
Just remember you don’t have to be an eggspert to eggsercise your gifts in the church.
© Ken Sapp
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