A young man once dreamed that he held an unlit candle in his hand. Nearby, Jesus stood by peacefully with a candelbra. The young man moved forward and Jesus lit the candle with his own. As the young man moved off into the darkness, eager to share his new light, his own breath blew out the flame. The young man turned back to see Jesus standing there, still peacefully holding the light. He returned hesitantly and held out his candle a second time. Christ gently and lovingly lit the candle again. As he moved away a second time, his breath again blew out the flame. Once more he looked back, expecting some reproach, but none came. The Master gently relit the extinguished candle. Once more the young man started out. The pattern was repeated, but the young man noticed something he had missed before. Each time he had gone farther before he lost his flame. With a lighter heart he returned once more to the Source, and again started out into the darkness.
At Christmas, it’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle that it’s anything but peaceful, and the glow of Christ is easily extinguished. In the hurried moments we also forget that Christ, on a silent night, brought light into a darkened world. It is in sharing the light of Christ with others that Christmas truly shines. Take a moment away from all the hurry associated with Christmas and relight your candle by going to the Source! Let Christ shine through you and guide others to Him as His star guided the wisemen so long ago!
Matthew 2:1-12; Isaiah 9:2

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