Many proverbs are “variations on a theme.” What major themes have you noticed in the book of proverbs?
Possible answers are : wisdom / fool; righteous / wicked; tongue/ speech; diligence / sluggard; honesty / dishonesty; Justice; pride / humility.
Proverbs has several ways it gets across a message:
- Couplets – a pair of verses that talk about the same thing
- Personification – visual personification of the unseen characteristic (e.g. wisdom is personified as a woman)
- Simile – A is like B
- Antithesis – a second couplet states the opposite of the first (.e. first talks about the righteous and the second the wicked)
- Synonymous parallelism – a second couplet states the same as the first but in a different way
- Synthetic parallelism – a second couplet adds some new idea or thought to the first line
Ask youth to go through some of the proverbs and identify the couplets and characteristics of each one:
- Contradicts
- condones an action
- condemns an action
- compares
- combines – adds a thought
- characterizes
- etc
Some proverbs are simple observations on life, others are advice for living. How do you tell the difference?

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