For each group you will need forks, knives, spoons, and a silverware tray with compartments molded to the shape of each utensil. Add extra miscellaneous tools that don’t fit in the silverware tray. Alternatively, you can use a tool box that has plastic molds conforming to the shapes of the tools.
Let the groups or individuals compete to be the first to place all the items in the correct compartments. You might choose to have more than one attempt to see if they can speed up their times. Award the group with the fastest time.
Linking ideas
1. Ecclesiastes 2:1-24; The silverware fits right into the spaces provided in this tray, but if we try to put a hammer or screwdriver in the compartments they don’t fit. Discuss how King Solomon also tried to fill in the holes in his life with pieces that didn’t fit. That’s because only God can fill the voids in our lives.
2. Blaise Pascal said that inside every man there is a god shaped vaccuum that only God can fill. We can try to fill that void in our lives with many things, but only God will bring us contentment and happiness. Only those things of God will truly fit and make us complete.
3. We are each created with different tools and spiritual gifts. Our goal in life is not to try to fit ourselves into another person’s mold, but discover our own place.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.