A variety of objects of various sizes. Try to include objects that represent things in life people pursue such as a basketball or bowling ball – sports, a wallet or coins – money, a power tool might represent power, etc. Make sure the items you choose cannot be damaged if dropped and that thay will not cause damage to a person if dropped. Other ideas are a fireman’s helmet, a police badge, a judge’s gavel, a steering wheel, a bicycle tire, car kets, house keys, a door knob, a poer cord, loaf of french bread, pillow, name brand jeans, wedding ring, lipstick, hair color dye, diet coke, name brand shoes, Bible, trophy, cross, jewelry, crown, computer, a family picture, baby doll, photo of Christ, mechanics wrench, rose, light bulb, a watch (time), a TV set, a game boy, an encyclopedia. The objective is to use things that represent pursuits and goals people set for themselves in life. (If this were used with youth you might also use a condom to represent sex.)
The entire group forms a circle. Everyone is given an object which can be large, small or any shape (i.e.: bowling ball, trash can, shoe, etc.). On a signal, every one passes his object on the right, keeping the objects moving at all times. When a person drops any object, he must leave the game, but his object stays in. As the game progresses, more people leave the game making it harder and harder to avoid dropping an object since there are more objects than people. The winner is the last person remaining.
At the end of the game, have children or youth explain what objectives in life the various objects might represent. Which objective is most worthwhile? Which are most important?
Christ and the Bible of course are the only two things that will last forever.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.