Jesus ends the book of Mark with the disciples going out and doing the things he did…In this ACTIVITY youth will do mirror-image movements to demonstrate discipleship
- a Bible
What to do
- Form pairs and have partners sit facing each other.
- Tell one person in each pair to mirror the other person’s actions.
- After a minute reverse roles.
- Ask the pairs to each make up a short skit in which they do mirror-image movements (For example, partners could wave with one hand wave with the other hand shrug their shoulders then fall backward)
- Have volunteers share their skits.
- Did the skits have any meaning?
- How did you feel being a mirror?
- How did you feel being a model?
- In what ways does a Christian disciple mirror Jesus?
- How would you define a Christian disciple?
- What are some of the things that Christ did?
- In what ways is Christ an example for us to follow? Actions? Attitudes?
- Did Christ’s actions have a purpose? If so, what was that purpose?
Take it to the Next Level
- Read aloud Mark 16:13-20.
- What does Jesus say about discipleship?
- Being Jesus’ disciple is kind of like the activity we just did.
- Just as we mirrored others’ actions by watching them we become a disciple of Jesus by watching and following what we see him doing in the scriptures.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.