Next time you have a lesson on a difficult theological concept, distribute a list of words for which kids are unlikely to know the exact definitions:
atheism, atonement, beatitude, covenant, eschatology, Eucharist, predestination, gnosticism, grace, justification, meek, propitiation, repentance, sanctification, supplication, transfiguration, etc.
- Have each student define the words, one word at time on a small piece of paper. They must write their name, the word, and then the definition. Participants can write phony definitions when they don’t know the real definitions, but the phony ones should sound as realistic as possible to score points.
- Collect all the definitions. Also have one prepared for each with the correct definition for comparison.
- Read the various definitions out loud.
- After you read the definitions, let students vote for what they think is the closest to the real definition-one vote per student.
- Add up the votes, reveal the real definition, and then award points as follows:
- Kids who write correct definitions earn five points for each one.
- Kids whose phony definitions receive the most votes earn five points per vote.
You can also allow the students to discuss the various definitions and which one is the closes to the true definition and why. Its a great activity to promote discussion.
If your group is so large that it is hard to keep track of definitions, create smaller groups.
Instead of using a definition of a word, do the same thing with Bible teachings. Just ask students to write: “What the Bible teaches about: ” Use any Biblical concept. Play it the same way.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.