Two or three types of bubble making wands and bubble soap. Many different kitchen utensils like wire wisks make great bubble wands. You could also provide wire and wire cutters and allow older kids to design their own bubble wands.
Hold a bubble blowing contest. Have awards for verious categories:
* Biggest bubble
* longest lasting bubble
* Most unique bubble
* Greatest number of connected bubbles
* Most unique bubble wand
1. What do all bubbles have in common?
Answer: Eventually they all burst!
2. What are some things that last forever?
3. What are some things that we strive for in life that are only temporary?
Bubbles are Temporary
Bubbles come in all sizes and shapes, depending on the wand used to create them. Bubbles can be tiny or large, can be kept or set free, can be alone or connected. Regardless, all bubbles will eventually burst. The do not last forever.
Bubbles grab our attention / fascination
The world waves a wandful of fascinating temptations at us. Fun, romance, happiness, wealth, material possessions all hold our attention for a time, but they too are only temporary. When you think you have risen above the dangers, when yuo have been lifted above the frailties and difficulties of life, when you finally think you have something that will last a while, then suddenly the bubble bursts. What once seemed substantial is now only a memory. You reach out to grab what you always wanted and “POP!” its gone. You are left with nothing.
1 John 2:15-17; Mark 8:34-38 (especially v 35) See also Matthew 6:31-33; James 4:13-14 (especially in the version The Message)

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.