Building blocks, decks of cards or other materials used to build a tower. Options are dominoes, fruits, popsicle sticks, stones, people, sheets of paper, sugar cubes, soda straws, lego’s, empty soda cans, etc.
1. Have individuals or groups build towers from the materials provided. You may choose to give all the groups the same materials or give different groups different materials.
2. Award prizes for the tallest, sturdiest, lightest, most creative, best architectural style, strangest, etc. You might then decide to have a best distaster – catastrophe – see which tower has the best death scene when demolished. For fun you may wish to video tape the construction and destruction of towers for a record of the event.
1. When it seems like life is knocking us down, God is there to pick us up.
2. I wonder how many of us were tempted to destroy our competition instead of building our own tower? Satan is like that too. We work hard to try to be like Jesus. We do nice things like hold our tempers (place a block) or tell the truth (stack another block on top) or obey our teacher (place another block on top), and when Satan sees us trying to grow more like Christ guess what Satan tries to do? (Satan tries to knock us down. ) Yes, Satan tries to knock us down. And sometimes he succeeds. But we have to pick ourselves up and try again, because God promises to lift us up and help us.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.