A large open area. An empty field works best, but a large room can also be used.
Set the stage
Remind the youth that when Jesus was betrayed by Judas, the disciples were frightened for their lives. The disciples were afraid they might be arrested if they were identified as followers of Jesus.
Form two teams of disciples. Appoint one “soldier” per team. Divide your playing area in half and designate opposite corners as “jail cells.” Set a timer for 2-5 minutes. Place one team on each side of the playing area. They may not leave their side of the area. Tagged disciples must go to the jail cell on their side and remain there until the timer goes off.
The two soldiers must turn away from the disciples, count to 20, and then must attempt to tag the disciples. After playing, the soldier on each team can pick someone else to be the soldier and play again. You can award the team of disciples which lasts the longest or has the most disciples outside jail at the end of the game time.
1. How did it feel to be caught by a soldier and thrown into jail for being a disciple?
2. What feelings did you have while playing this game?
3. How do you think the disciples felt after Jesus was arrested?
4. What do you think you would you have done if you had been with Jesus when he was betrayed?
5. Has there been a time in your life when you denied you were a Christian? Denied Christ? Didn’t stand up to the pressure when you were persecuted for your faith?
6. Why is it sometimes difficult today to let people know that we are Jesus’ disciples?
7. What can we learn from this event in the life of Jesus and the disciples? Remind youth of the events after the resurrection and the changed Disciples boldly standing up for Christ.

Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.
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