Modeling Clay.
Make several objects from modeling clay. You might choose to mold objects that were used in the trials and crucifixion of Christ:
– a basin (used by Pilate to wash his hands)
– a crown of thorns
– a robe
– a whip
– a pair of dice (used by the soldiers to cast lots)
– a sword (used by Peter to defend Christ)
– A tassel from a robe (worn by Pharisees), etc.
Explain the significance of each item, then take these same items and combine the clay together and form a cross from them.
Explain that like the clay, Jesus was placed under incredible pressure and pain. God allowed it that we might be saved from our sins. Only a perfect sacrifice could atone for our sins. Jesus was that lamb without blemish sacrificed on our behalf.
Explain that in order for the cross to be made you had to crush down and apply pressure to the previous items. They lost their identity, but became part of the cross. The same is sometimes true in our lives. It may seem that we are under pressure and crushed, but then our identity is found in the Cross as we identify with Christ. We may wonder why God is allowing these things to happen, but he allows it and is there with us to mold us into something he can use.
For older kids, you might have children mold a piece of the clay into an object that represents how God can use them. It might be a pencil to write a friend about Christ, a microphone to tell a person about Christ, etc.
Simply use the above objects and others from the event to illustrate the events as you tell the story of Christ’s Cruxifixion. You might also bring in all the items and ask children to identify how each fits into the story of the trial and crucifixion.

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