Category Archives: Creative Teaching Ideas

Ken’s ideas to add a little spark to your youth ministry lessons, improve your teaching, and add lots of fun and excitement to your teaching.


Next time you have a lesson on a difficult theological concept, distribute a list of words for which kids are unlikely to know the exact definitions:

atheism, atonement, beatitude, covenant, eschatology, Eucharist, predestination, gnosticism, grace, justification, meek, propitiation, repentance, sanctification, supplication, transfiguration, etc.


  1. Have each student define the words, one word at time on a small piece of paper. They must write their name, the word, and then the definition. Participants can write phony definitions when they don’t know the real definitions, but the phony ones should sound as realistic as possible to score points.
  2. Collect all the definitions. Also have one prepared for each with the correct definition for comparison.
  3. Read the various definitions out loud.
  4. After you read the definitions, let students vote for what they think is the closest to the real definition-one vote per student.
  5. Add up the votes, reveal the real definition, and then award points as follows:
    • Kids who write correct definitions earn five points for each one.
    • Kids whose phony definitions receive the most votes earn five points per vote.

You can also allow the students to discuss the various definitions and which one is the closes to the true definition and why. Its a great activity to promote discussion.

If your group is so large that it is hard to keep track of definitions, create smaller groups.

Instead of using a definition of a word, do the same thing with Bible teachings. Just ask students to write: “What the Bible teaches about: ” Use any Biblical concept. Play it the same way.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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The 7 Last Words of Jesus Christ from the Cross

The 7 last words of Jesus Christ from the cross are actually 7 short phrases that Jesus spoke while hanging on the cross. None of the writers of the four gospels record all 7 of these phrases, so you have to piece them together from the gospel accounts.

  1. “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 34)
  2. “This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23: 43)
  3. “Woman, behold thy son.” (John 19:25-27)
  4. “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)
  5. “I thirst.” (John 19:28)
  6. “It is finished.” (John 19:30)
  7. “Into thine hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:46)

Teaching Ideas using these 7 phrases of Christ

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Easter Collection" ebook Easter Collection
Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Effective Youth Bible Study

To be most effective in your Bible study with youth:

Involve rather than inform
Suppose you had climbed a mountain and wanted to convey to your students the exhilaration of reaching the top and the relief at discovering that the grueling work was really worth the effort. Would it be better to tell them about your climb or take them to the top of the mountain with you? Taking them to the top would take more time than saying: “The results are worth the climb.” But which would impact their lives more deeply? It’s the same with Bible study: the more youth do for themselves, the more meaningful their learning becomes.

Listen rather than lecture
The one who talks is the one who learns. When you ask questions and make assignments that guide youth to express Bible understanding, they learn. It’s easy to let lectures go in one ear and out the other, but youth remember what they themselves say. They live what they commit to.

Direct rather than dictate
“Is this television program good for me?” “What is sin?” “How can I know the will of God?” Rather than telling youth what to do, guide them to Bible verses that address their questions. As youth make their own choices, they gain confidence in their ability to read, understand, and live the Bible for themselves. And they grow close to God who authored the Bible.

Be Active rather than passive
Youth tend to be full of energy. When there is an option to make things active, it keeps their attention and helps release their energy.

Make it cooperative rather than individual
Todays youth prefer to work in groups rather than as individuals. It takes off the pressure and allows the more quiet ones to contribute in a small setting that may not speak before the entire group.

Have a single objective rather than multiple truths
Choose one objective. Everything you do should reinforce, explain, support, clarify, apply to that objective.

Focus on changed lives rather than memorized facts
You don’t teach the Bible. You teach youth. It’s not what you have given them that matters, but what they leave with. Its not what you do, but what they do that evaluates an effective lesson.

Be an example in your expectations
Your attitude is contagious. If you like Bible study, your students will tend to like it also. If you present a learning activity with interest and expectation, youth will participate and like it. But if you say, “This was in the book and I know you will think it’s childish and dumb… “ they will think it’s childish and dumb. Expect great insight based on Bible truths. Your students will sense your expectation and fulfill it.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Creative Ideas for Your New Year Party or Event

The New Year is a great time for reflecting on the Blessings and experiences of the past year and looking forward and planning for the new year. The Creative Youth website has a lot of materials to help you plan your New Year Event with your youth or with your family. There are some great games for New year Celebrations and Parties as well as Creative Learning activities, Object Lessons, and Children’s sermons to help youth think about the future and to set some goals and make some New Year’s resolutions!

New Year Party Games- Just for Fun!
New Year Pictionary

A New Beginning

  • Make a resolution to yield your life to God’s control in the upcoming year. Have you given your life to Christ? Is there an area of your life you have not yielded or that you previously yielded but then took back control?
    New Year’s Resolutions
    Who’s in Control?
  • Will you be merely another person in the crowd in the new year who ultimately goes nowhere or will you, put your belief into action?
    Life on a Tightrope
  • Is there an area of your life that you need a little push to accomplish in the next year? Are you ready to leave the comfort of the familiar and fly to new heights in the next year! Take that step of faith today and commit yourself to that task God has placed on your heart for the next year!
    Even Eagles Need a Push
  • Is your life aligned with God’s Will? Use this creative group trust game as a simulation to remind us of the importance of aligning out lives with the will of God!
    Blind Polygon

Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future

  • Was the past year a difficult one? What can you learn from this past year? How can you take the lessons from the past year and use them to build a brighter future for you and in your relationship with God and others?
    New year Time Capsule
  • Use a potato as an object lesson or illustration :
    Egg or Potato
  • Take this as an opportunity to see both the past and the future through God’s eyes!
    Don’t Look so Good
  • Has the past year been one in which you feel tossed around and tossed about by the winds of difficult circumstances? Use this illustration to help you to discover how God can give them direction and move them steadily according to his purposes in the upcoming year!
  • Are you allowing the things of the past to chain your thinking and prevent you from being all that God wants you to be, to have the freedom in your life that God intends? Exchange your old limiting beliefs for a quiet trust in God! With Him all things are possible in the New Year!
    Imaginary Chains
  • All the events of our life are Part of God’s plan! Will you allow God to weave your life, the good and the bad, and to make it into a beautiful tapestry that shows His glory?
    The Weaver!
  • Every day we make exchanges in life. What is something in your life you need to exchange for something better in the upcoming year? What is something you should give up and replace with something else?
  • If your ship is sinking, maybe God is allowing you an opportunity to rest on his shoulder.
    The Magician and the Parrot

Growing in Christ

  • Do you want to see growth in your life, in your relationships with God and others? Are you happy with things as they are now? Are you satisfied? Do you think God has been pleased with your spiritual growth over the past year? Commit to growing your spiritual walk in the upcoming year!
    Well Established!
  • What is something that you need to make time for in the upcoming year?
    Don’t have the Time!
  • Change is difficult but necessary for growth
    Chili Crab
    Change the World

New Opportunities

  • Who knows what opportunities God will send our way in the upcoming year! Are you looking ahead for the opportunities or focused on the past? use this illustration as a reminded that in the upcoming year, we need to keep our eyes focused on the opportunties God has for us! What might seem a tragedy may actually be an opportunity if you are able to see it through God’s eyes!
    I Can’t!
  • Are you focused on the opportunities or the difficulties. What are some things you want to find in the upcoming year? Let God help you to see them by changing your focus!
    You Find What You are Looking For!
  • Are you willing to trust your life to God in the upcoming year?
    A penny
  • Is there something that you have never done, but would like to do this year? Use this high energy game to discuss the things we have never done and then to discuss the things we want to do for the upcoming year!
    I Never
  • Take a moment to refocus, to set your priorities and goals and commitments for the new year!
    Walking Like a Pigeon
  • Life is short! Will you take advantage of the opportunities ahead?
    Life’s but a Flash 
    Every Moment is Precious!
  • Maybe its time for you to make that change in life you have been resisting! Things might be a little awkward for a while, but its a necessary step for you to move forward in the journey God has prepared for you!
    New Shoes!

Staying Connected to God

  • Every year has its ups and downs. But through it all our connection and relationship with God gives us security and prevents life from spinning out of control! Make a commitment to nurture a closer relationship with God in the upcoming year. Use this object Lesson of a yo-yo as reminder that while life has ups and downs, and things seem to be spinning out of control, that if we yield to the Master’s hand he can do perform a spectacular performance with our lives for the world to see! It also makes a great Children’s sermon.

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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Ring those Christmas Bells

Biblically, God instructed the Israelites to put bells on the robe of the High Priest’s ephod before he entered the Holy of Holies. (Exodus 28:31-35; 39:26). Matthew Henry, interpreted the bells as an allegory that “typify the sound of the gospel of Christ in the world, giving notice of His entrance within the veil for us.”

Bells have become an integral part of our Christmas traditions. Throughout history bells have been used to celebrate special occasions. Their bright and cheerful sound was a reminder that something important was happening. In many villages throughout the world people would ring the church bell on special occasions. Bells announced the coming or arrival of an event. They toll for good times. They were rung during Christmas to announce the arrival of the season, to proclaim the birth of Christ.

Christmas bells are also mentioned in many of our holiday songs such as “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”, “Come on, Ring those Bells”, “Jingle Bells”, “Silver Bells”, and “Christmas Bells are Ringing”. Bells are also used to “ring out the old and ring in the new” season!

Activity Objective
In this Creative Teaching Idea, Christmas Bells are both an object lesson and a prop for games.


    • Handbells or Bells of various shapes and pitches.
    • Sleigh Bells
    • Blindfolds
    • String

Game Ideas using Christmas Bells

Ring those Bells

  1. Place a small sleigh bell on a string and tie one to everyone’s ankle.
  2. Played similar to the classic Marco Polo game that is played in a swimming pool, this one is played in a large open room. (Make sure chairs and other dangerous objects are removed from the room. Station leaders in front of any dangerous corners or objects to prevent a blindfolded person from injuring him/herself.
  3. Blindfold one person and place them in the center of the room with a large handbell.
  4. Any time she/he rings the bell EVERYONE in the room must shake their leg to respond with the ring of the small bell tied to their ankle.
  5. The blindfolded person then heads toward the sound and tries to tag one of the other participants. If he or she manages to tag one of them, they become the blindfolded person in the center and the game begins again!

Jingle Bell Lineup

  1. If you have a small group and several hand-bells of various pitches, blindfold everyone in the room and give them a hand-bell.
  2. Then, by listening to the sounds of the bells they must line themselves up according to the pitch of the bells.
  3. For a larger group, split them into teams and use a stopwatch to time each team.
  4. The team that is able to line up the quickest is the winner!

Bell on a String

  1. A length of string should be tied into a large loop, big enough so that everyone can take hold of it with both hands and have some slack. Before you tie the end of the string run it through the holes in one or two classic sleigh bells. Make sure that the knot easily fits through the hole in the bell. If the holes are too small, attach the bells to the loop with a small key ring or small loop of string. The small round bells should be small enough to be hidden in a closed fist.
  2. Designated someone as “it” who must cover his eyes and count to 10, while the players in the circle pass the bells from player to player by sliding it around the circle on the string. When “it” reaches the count of 10, he must try to guess who is holding the ring.
  3. If he guesses a person has the bell, the person indicated, must let go of the string to show whether he has the bell or not.
  4. If “it” guessed wrong, the whole thing begins again.
  5. People can try to fake passing the bell to another person or someone in the circle may say some misleading remarks while it’s back is to them.

The Christmas Bell as an Object Lesson
Inside each sleigh bell there is a tiny ball which makes the ringing sound as it bounces around the inside of the bell. On other bells there is a ball on the end of a piece of string or metal that hits against the inside of the bell and causes it to ring. In the same way, we must ring out the true meaning of Christmas for the world to hear. Let the holiday joyfully ring from our hearts! The joy comes from within because he fills our hearts with hope and peace!

Hold the bell tight in your fist and shake it. Of course, the sound will be dull if anything is heard at all. When we played the game with the bells on the string, many of you were trying to keep the bell from ringing out. What are some of the things that dampen our joy at Christmas? Has the joy of Christmas gotten lost in a circle of closed fists? Does the joy of Christmas ring out from your life and actions or have you allowed something to dampen your Christmas Spirit?

Sing the classic Christmas song:
Come on, Ring Those Bells

Everybody likes to take a holiday
Everybody likes to take a rest
Spending time together with the family
Sharing lots of love and happiness.
Come on, ring those bells,
Light the Christmas tree,
Jesus is the king
Born for you and me.
Come on, ring those bells,
Every-body say,
Jesus, we remember
This your birthday.
Celebrations come because of something good.
Celebrations we love to recall
Mary had a baby boy in Bethleham
the greatest celebration of all.
Come on, ring those bells,
Light the Christmas tree,
Jesus is the King
Born for you and me.
Come on, ring those bells,
Everybody say,
Jesus, we remember
This your birthday.

Christmas Bells remind us of the joy of Christmas! Joy to the World, The King has come!
It’s Jesus Birthday! What is one way you can let the joy of Christmas Ring out in YOUR life this season?

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Christmas Collection" ebook Christmas Collection
Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

=> Tell me more about the Christmas Collection

Kernel Cornucopia

The cornucopia, also known in English as the Horn of Plenty, is a symbol of prosperity and affluence, dating back to the 5th century BC. It was often filled with the fruits of the harvest which included corn, fruits, and other vegetables. Corn itself was one of the staple foods of the early settlers. Here are a variety of games using corn kernels… you can get dried feed corn like that sold for bird feeders or unpopped popcorn will also work.

Game Materials

  • Dried Corn Kernels or popcorn
  • Candy Corn
  • Bowls

Game Description

  • Turkey Feed – Turkeys are often fed corn to prepare them as guests at Thanksgiving.
  • Corn Pitching – How accurately can you toss corn kernels into bowls
  • Odds and Evens – Can you guess if there are odd or even numbers of kernels are in your partners hand?

Game Play

Turkey Feed

  1. Fill a bowl with dried corn kernels and add several pieces of candy corn.
  2. Blindfolded players and have them retrieve the candy corn from the bowl within a designate amount of time. (As a gross out variation, have them retrieve it with their bare feet then eat it.
  3. The player that retrieves the most candy corn in the designated time limit wins.

Corn Pitching

  1. Players takes turns pitching ten corn kernels, one at a time, into a bowl from a set distance. You might choose to have various bowls of different sizes and at different distances. Display the points based upon difficulty.
  2. Keep score of how many kernels end up in the various bowls.
  3. The winner is the one with the highest score after three rounds.

Odds or Evens

  1. Each player starts out with the same number of corn kernels.
  2. Players rotate about the room pairing up with others.
  3. When they find a partner, one player hides a few kernels of in his hand.
  4. The other player must guess if the number of corn kernels is odd or even. If guessed correctly, the player can add the kernels to his own collection.
  5. Players take turns hiding and guessing, until one player has all the corn or until a specified time limit!


  • In these games are you someone who plays it safe or shoots for the moon?
  • Was the voyage to the new world by the pilgrims a safe bet or a big risk?
  • What were some of the potential risks? Potential rewards?
  • What were some of your strategies in these games?

Some people play it safe in life. Others take risks. Most of the time we evaluate if the potential reward is worth the risk. For the Pilgrims, coming to America was a great risk. But the lure of religious freedom was worth the risk. Many of them lost their lives in pursuit of the opportunity to freely worship God as their conscience dictated. After the first year of the Plymouth colony, only half of the 102 settlers were still alive. Times were hard. Later during a particularly tough winter is was said that each person had only 5 kernels of corn to live on each day.

Yet in spite of their hardships, they gave thanks to God. Eternal blessings outweighed the physical ones. There may be times when we do not have much, but to have a relationship with God is worth any cost and any hardship! They made a choice, a decision to pursue God at any cost.


  • Has God called you to do something out of the ordinary?
  • To what has God called you?
  • What risks are worth the reward of knowing Jesus as Lord and living for him?

Just as a single grain of corn has the potential for an abundant harvest, even one decision for God can lead to a harvest of blessings in your life. What choice is God calling you to make today? Take a kernel of corn home as a reminder of a decision God has called you to make for him regardless of the risk.

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Thanksgiving celebrations as well as a variety of other events for familiar holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for various holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

=> Tell me more about the Holiday Collection


Game Description
Youth will take part in a learning simulation experiencing what it is like when gifts are not appropriately utilized as a blessing to all members of the body of Christ. Makes a great activity for a Halloween Alternative or for a creative Bible Study lesson.

Game Materials
ROUND 1: You’ll need a Bible and several large bags of individually wrapped candy. There should be 10 different types of candy. Depending on the size of your group, you might have more than 1 bag of some of the 10 types of candy. Since in the second part of this activity people will be trading candy, individually wrapped candly that is not chocolate and does not easily melt is preferable.

  • For one of the 10 types of candy, only allow enough of that candy in circulation for 10% of the total group to be able to have some.
  • Set aside an extra bag of candy to be available for anyone who finishes ROUND 1 without candy.

ROUND 2: Use the same candy already passed out in ROUND 1. Using the extra bag of candy you set aside, distribute a couple peices of candy to anyone who did not receive a piece in ROUND 1.) Continue to retain the candy you have chosen to repesent salvation so that only 10% is in circulation. Hold the rest back for the end of ROUND 2


Game Preparation
Select one of the 10 types of candy to represent salvation. Only allow enough of this candy in circulation for 10% of the entire group to have some.

Game Play

  1. Take an equal number of students away from the rest of the group as you have bags of candy and explain to them how the game works. Be sure that the other youth cannot hear your instructions. Tell each of the those you have chosen that you are going to give them bags of candy to share with the other students. There’s only one catch: They can give candy only to the guys, or only to the gals, only to those with spectacles, only those in youth choir, those with a “d” in their name, those with 4 letters in their surname, only to kids with black tennis shoes, those with buttons on their shirts, those without socks, those who frown, etc. (The idea is to pick something that will eliminate at least half of the kids – these are only suggestions – be creative. Also remember you want the criteria to be difficult to discover.)
  2. Remind kids not to tell the others why some youth are getting, candy and others aren’t. Warn kids to only give candy to those in the designated group, even if the other kids beg.
  3. After giving the these designated ones their instructions, tell the rest of the group that the game will be played in 2 ROUNDS. For ROUND 1, I’m going to let the youth i took aside back into the room. When they come in, they’ll have some candy to share. You can ask, bribe, and beg them for it, but do not take it from them. You may or may not get some candy. If you figure out what the criteria is for getting candy, you’ll be entitled to an extra portion. Do NOT eat your candy yet. You will need it later for ROUND 2
  4. Call those with the candy back into the room. Allow them time to circulate through the group handing out candy according to their criteria to the chosen few.

Once you have completed this phase of the game, ask:

  • What was it like to be one who received the gifts?
  • What was it like to be left out or passed over?
  • Did anyone figure out why he or she did not get gifts? (Give extra candy to the first person who identified any of the criteria.)
  • Are you willing to share your gifts with some people because of the way they look, or do you ignore others because they appear to be different?
  • What makes you treat some people differently than others?

Near the end of the discussion, say: The Bible instructs us to treat each other fairly and equally, and to place what we have into His hands to bless others. God wants to bless others through us, but we often limit those he can touch through us by personal prejudice, misconceptions, jealousy, greed, personal ambition, bitterness, or even laziness.


Game Preparation
Continue to keep the candy aside that you have chosen to represent salvation. Remember you should only allow enough of this candy in circulation for 10% of the entire group to have some.

Game Play

  1. Say, “Of course, we all have our favorites when it comes to candy. Before we begin ROUND 2, take a moment to trade candy with each other in order to get your favorite candy.” (Give them some time)
  2. Say, “Now we are going to do something a little different. Imagine that like King Solomon, you are granted anything you wish by God. Each type of Candy represents something special. You may trade and bargain with each other to get whichever candy you like. At the end of this activity, we will see what blessings you are gifted with in life, depending on your candy you possess. You may not forcibly take candy from anyone.”
  3. Depending on time, announce one or two of the items below, in any order. Eventually go through all the types of candy, but leave “salvation” for last.
  4. After each announcement, give youth an opportunity to trade again based on this new revelation.
  5. Continue through the list. Then end with Salvation.
  6. Of course there won’t be enough of salvation for everyone to have it. Some may be willing to trade everything they have for it. Others will be simply frustrated.

Choose colors or different types of candy to represent different things. 
Some possibilities are:

  1. Wealth
  2. Power
  3. Good looks
  4. Meaningful career
  5. Love
  6. Popularity
  7. Pleasure
  8. Long Life
  9. Health
  10. Salvation (Initially make certain there is only enough candy representing “salvation” for about 10% of people to have a peice. At the end of this activity, give each person one from those you have set aside..)

At the end of the activity, ask youth:

  • Are you happy with what you posses in this game? How do you feel about your situation in life as reflected by the candy you have?
  • Before salvation, what did you evaluate as most important to obtain? What it was that you tried to collect?
  • What were you willing to give to others?
  • Were you selfish or generous with what you were given?

In life, we will all be blessed with different things. Some people may receive an abundance while others may recieve the simpler things in life and only according to their needs of the moment.

  • Some may be blessed with wealth – will you use it for selfish pursuits or will you use it to bless others?
  • Some may be blessed with power – will you use your power to help those who cannot help themselves.
  • Others will be blessed with popularity – will you use your influence to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak up for themselves.

Not only are we blessed in different ways, but we also receive different gifts and talents. Everything we have is a gift from God. If God didn’t give something to us directly, he blessed us with the means or abilities to obtain them.

  • Will you use what you have been given selfishly, or for the benefit of others?
  • Will you cling to them or place them into the hands of God to use?

There are only about 10% of people who are Christians in Singapore.

  • How did you feel if you were one of those without the candy representing slvation?

As Christians, we are all given the knowledge of the gospel – the good news – salvation. Do we keep that knowledge to ourselves or do we share it with the remaining 90% of Singaporeans who do not yet know Christ as Savior?
(Give each 2 pieces of candy representing salvation) Take these pieces of candy you have been given and give them to someone and tell them about the activity you have done today – share with them the good news of salvation.

  • What is it in your life that is a priority for you?
  • What have you been blessed with?
  • Will you selfishly keep it top yourself or will you place it in God’s hands for him to use?

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

=> Tell me more about the Holiday Collection

Identifying Feelings

For a unique perspective on a Biblical story, provide this list of emotions to the youth and have them choose what the various Bible personalities might be feeling at different points in the story.

Positive Feelings
Affectionate, Alive, Amused, Accepted, Beautiful, Brave, Calm, Capable, Caring, Cheerful, Cherished, Comfortable, Competent, Concerned, Confident, Content, Courageous, Curious, Delighted, Desirable, Eager, Excited, Forgiving, Friendly, Fulfilled, Generous, Glad, Good, Grateful, Great, Happy, Hopeful, Humorous, Joyful, Lovable, Loved, Loving, Loyal, Passionate, Peaceful, Playful, Pleased, Proud, Quiet, Relaxed, Relieved, Respected, Safe, Satisfied, Secure, Self-reliant, Sexy, Silly, Special, Strong, Supportive, Sympathetic, Tender, Thankful, Thrilled, Trusted, Understanding, Understood, Unique, Valuable, Warm, Witty, Wonderful, Worthwhile, Youthful

Negative Feelings
Afraid, Angry, Anxious, Apprehensive, Ashamed, Awkward, Bitter, Bored, Confused, Contemptuous, Defeated, Dejected, Dependent, Depressed, Despairing, Desperate, Devastated, Disappointed, Discouraged, Disgusted, Distrustful, Embarrassed, Exasperated, Fearful, Foolish, Frantic, Frustrated, Furious, Guilty, Hateful, Helpless, Hopeless, Horrified, Hostile, Humiliated, Hurt, Ignored, Impatient, Inadequate, Incompetent, Indecisive, Inferior, Inhibited, Insecure, Irritated, Isolated, Jealous, Lonely, Melancholy, Miserable, Misunderstood, Muddled, Needy, Old, Outraged, Overwhelmed, Panicky, Pessimistic, Phony, Preoccupied, Prejudiced, Pressured, Provoked, Regretful, Rejected, Remorseful, Resentful, Sad, Self-conscious, Shy, Sorry, Stubborn, Stupid, Terrified, Threatened, Tired, Touchy, Trapped, Troubled, Unappreciated, Unattractive, Uncertain, Uncomfortable, Uneasy, Unfulfilled, Used, Useless, Uptight, Victimized, Violated, Vulnerable, Weary, Wishy-washy, Worn-out, Worried

Other uses for this list of emotions

  • Youth sometimes find it difficult to identify the feelings they are having. Use this list of positive and negative feelings to help youth identify their feelings about a circumstance or situation.
  • Randomly select emotions from the list for a game of charades or pictionary.
  • Attach an emotion to the back of each youth. Using only yes/ no questions they must discover the emotion on their back.
  • Attach an emotion to the back of each youth. Without speaking they must discover the emotion on their back.
  • As a crowdbreaker, randomly assign youth emotions from the list so that there are two youth for each emotion. Then, using only facial expressions they must find their partner who has the same emotion.
  • As a crowdbreaker to divide the youth into groups have one emotion for each group. Randomly assign youth one of the emotions as they arrive. Using only facial expressions they must group themselves according to the emotions.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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In Everything Give Thanks

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
“Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”


  • Several pairs of scissors
  • newspapers and magazines
  • blank thank you notes
  • pens or pencils


  • Set the scissors and the pile of newspapers and magazines in the center of the room / table.

What to Do

  1. “Search through the newspapers and magazines and find one story about someone experiencing either good or bad circumstances. Cut out the story using the scissors for easy reference.”
  2. Once everyone has a story, collect them into a pile and shuffle them up. Walk around the room and ask each youth to take the story on the top of the pile.
  3. Give each person a blank thank you note and a pen or pencil.
  4. “Read through the story you’ve been given and write a thank you note to God. Express how you would be thankful in the circumstances your story describes.”
  5. When youth have finished writing their Thank You notes, have each youth, in turn, read his or her thank you note aloud. (You cab do this in pairs or small groups if you have many youth group members).
  6. Then youth to respond to each circumstance: “In the circumstance you read about, how would being thankful affect your perspective?”

Take it to the Next Level
God wants us to be thankful in all circumstances — in both good situations and bad ones. Being thankful changes our perspective. It helps us take our eyes off ourselves and the circumstances and look to God instead.

Finish the meeting by having a time of prayer where each youth can have an opportunity to express prayerful thanks to God for the events in their lives.

Get Creative Youth Ideas: "Holiday Collection" ebook Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

=> Tell me more about the Holiday Collection

Joshua Jeopardy

Have a Jeopardy competition using some of the facts learned from the book of Joshua. As an example I have provided three categories with 5 questions each for a total of 15 questions… then one final jeopardy question.


Category: Memory verses
100 points: Our scripure verse thus far from this quarter have been located in which book of the Bible.
ANSWER: Joshua
200 Points: then the Lord said to Joshua, ‘See I have delivered _________ into your hands along with its king and fighting men.” (Joshua 6:2)
ANSWER: Jericho
300 Points: Israel has _____________; they have violated my covenant which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions. (Joshua 7:11)
ANSWER: sinned
400 Points: Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be _____________ and ________________. (Joshua 1:8)
ANSWER: prosperous and successful.
500 points: All these kings and their lands Joshua conquered in one campaign because…..
ANSWER: the Lord, The God of Israel, fought for Israel” (Joshua 10:42)

Category: Bible Facts
100 Points: Whose sin caused Israel’s defeat at AI?
200 points: How many times did the Isrealites march around the walls of Jericho before they fell?
300 points: How many kings did Israel defeat in Joshua 9-12
400 points: Name the person who protected the spies into the promised land
500 Points: Something interesting happened at a river in Joshua 4. Name the river and what happened?
ANSWER: The the waters were cut off as they took each step into the
JORDAN river.

Category: Miscellaneous
100 Points: Most of the original spies to the promised land saw themselves as what compared to the inhabitants?
ANSWER: Grasshoppers
200 Points: Name the two spies who had faith that God could deliver the promised land to the Israelites?
ANSWER: Joshua and Caleb
300 Points: Which group of people made a treaty with the Israelites under false pretenses?
ANSWER: Gibeonites
400 Points: Name the 3 things that were taken and Led to the defeat of The Israelites at AI?
ANSWER: Mantle, 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of gold 50 shekels in weight
500 Points: How many chapters does the book of Joshua have?

Final Jeopardy question: category : the person – Joshua
QUESTION: Joshua became the leader of the Israelites after this person’s death

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

Learn More…