Obtain several finished products and the raw materials they are made of. Use your imagination. In place of some objects you may wish to use a photo of the object.
* an apple seed grows into a tree which produces an apple
* clay can be shaped and fired into a ceramic cup bowl or saucer
* cloth can be cut and sown into a dress or a shirt
* flour or wheat can be baked into bread
* sand can be fired and molded to form objects of glass
* wood can be processed into paper
* paint and canvas can be used to create a painting
* a worm can grown and go through a metamorphosis to become a butterfly
* milo powder / chocolate powder can be used to create a drink
* an egg can hatch and grow into a chicken
* an acorn can sprout and grow into a tree
* A Baby Picture can? (Intentionally do not match it with anything)
Learning Activity
Have participants match the items. First team to match all the resources with what they become correctly gets a prize.
1. Discuss how each of the materials can be used to make something. Participants will notice the picture of a baby doesn’t match with anything… Ask… what God can make from a person? What can a baby become?Does God have a personal and specific will for each person’s life? Does he have a detailed blueprint for our life? How much leeway do we have in submitting our personal choices? Is everything predestined? Does it include every detail relating to my life? If so, how do we discover it?
2. Psalm 139:15. Before you were even a baby, God knew you and what you would become. God intimately knows us. He knows our thoughts, words, and deeds (v7-12).
3. Verse 16 says God planned all your days, all your life, before you were ever even born. He had a plan for you before you even existed.
4. End by discussing various things that Christians can do. Discuss the person each of us can become. Talk about the different roles in the church and how God might use some of them to accomplish these roles.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.