Once upon a time, there was a church staff looking for teachers for children and preschoolers and youth.
And some adults said, “I don’t want to leave the sweet fellowship and study in my adult class.” (But the drug pusher on the street said, “Not even the threat of jail will keep me from working with your children.”)
And some adults said, “I could never give the time required to plan and go to teachers’ meetings.” (But the pusher, the porno book dealer, and the movie producer said, “We’ll stay open whatever hours are necessary everyday to win the minds of the kids.”)
And some adults said, “I’m unsuited, untrained, unable to work with children, preschoolers or youth. (But the movie producer said, “We’ll study, survey, spend millions to produce whatever turns kids on.”)
So, the adults stayed in their classes and enjoyed the sweet fellowship and absorbed the good Bible Study, and could go out of town often on the weekend and were available to do whatever was good to do on Wednesday or Sunday nights instead of teachers’ meetings.
And when Sunday came, the children came to their classes and no one was there except the church staff going from one room to another trying to assure them that someone would surely come to teach them some Sunday soon. But no one ever came, and the young children soon quit coming because they had gone to listen to others who did care about the things they did and what went into their minds….

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.