In this game for youth, children or adults, you will call out a number and one of the following body parts (knees, hands, eyes, or body) The participants must then get into clumps (groups) of the number you called with the touching his/her body part you named. For example: if I called 3 knees, then everyone must form groups of three persons all touching their knees. (For body you might have them stand in a specific pose or have them turn their body in a circle – repent means to turn around and go in the opposite direction) Because of odd numbers, some of the kids may be unable to form a group of three. The objective is to not be left out of a group. Repeat calling out a different number and different body part.
Variation 1
Once kids have gotten used to the activity make it a little more complicated by having them touch the body parts together in their group. (i.e. 5 – hands – must form groups of five with everyone touching everyone else’s hands.)
Variation 2
Once kids have mastered this, call out two body parts along with a number. (i.e. 3 hands-knees – the group must form groups of three touching boths hands TO knees) Knees to eyes is quite difficult – grins
When a body part was called out, your entire body must move to accomplish the task. Scripture describes us as part of the body of Christ -the church and Christ is the head. Our goals is the goal of Christ – to bring reconciliation and peace with God to the world. 1 Corinthians 12
This game / creative teaching activity illustrates the connection between all believers with one another and with Christ.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.