Center on God
Make all of life God-saturated. Make the Bible the most important book in your home and something the family reads everyday together. Pray with them and for them daily. Youth need to see the Word of God “fleshed out” in your life.
This is “agape” love “that is unconditional, sacrificial, and unshakable.” We all need to be appreciated. Compliment your youth daily. Make it genuine and specific. Praise is the greatest motivation in the world for learning.
You must spend time with your youth. You can not buy your their affection. Youth are quite happy to exchange the luxury of “things” for their parents physical presence. You must be in physical proximity with your youth. Take them with you to the office or on an errand. If you travel spend as much of your “home time” with your youth as possible. Show your youth appropriate physical affection. A pat on the shoulder, a hug, a kiss, a hand held are means of touch that powerfully convey your approval. Discipline is also important but guard against abuse of any kind. Help them apply the principles that you have learned from God’s word.
The less time spent in front of the TV the stronger the family. When the TV is off there is greater chance for conversation. Be spontaneous, be a good listener, be positive in your communication. Deut. 6:4-9 reminds all parents to teach God’s Commandments.
“Commitment is our resolve to always keep our families centered on God, to always love, to always build bridges to our children, and to always communicate to the best of our ability. It is a commitment to be a family no matter what circumstances or situations arise” (pp.16-29).
Source: Dr. William Mitchell and Michael Mitchell in “Building Strong Families”

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