A traditional New Year’s Tradition is to think of something you want to change in the new year and commit yourself to it. Here are some hints for making an effective New Year’s Resolution:
- Be realistic by setting achievable goals. Don’t set something as a resolution for which you have no control – like winning a lottery.
- Describe your resolutions in specific terms. The more detail you provide, the more likely you are to accomplish it. Instead of “I want to improve my health” choose “I will exercise at least once a week!” or “I will only have a maximum of 1 carbonated drink each day.”
- Break down large goals into smaller ones. For instance, instead of “I want to live a healthier lifestyle”, commit to losing weight by resolving to join a gym and eat at least one healthy meal each day”
- Find alternatives to a behavior that you want to change. If you want to lose weight, but eat to reduce stress, what other ways can you reduce stress?
- Target things that are truly important to you. Do not choose things you think you ought to do or what others think you should do.
Game Description
Everyone writes New Years Resolutions which are randomly read by particpants. Can you guess who wrote it?
Game Materials
A slip of paper and something to write with for each guest
Game Preparation
Prepare slips of paper for people to write their resolution(s) on
Game Play
- As each person arrives, give them a piece of paper and ask them to write down a new years resolution (which is not too personal or embarrassing)
- Put all the new year resolutions in a bowl.
- Each person must pick one piece of paper out of the bowl.
- Resolutions are read, one by one and everyone must write down who they think wrote down each new years resolution.
- The person who correctly guesses the most is the winner.
Instead of writing single resolution, participants must write down 4 resolutions (3 true and one false). Everyone tries to guess the author based on the resolutions and then try to also guess which one is false.
- What is a change you would like to see in your life for the next year?
- How can God help you to make this change?
- What steps can you take to see this change in your life?
Closing Application
Commit yourself to this change and find someone to help keep you accountable for it and pray for you in this area of your life.

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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