plastic Spoons, Ping Pong Balls
Create an obstacle course for a relay race around chairs, under a rope, etc
Relay 1: Youth must travel the relay course balancing a ping- pong ball on a spoon. If they drop the ball they must return to the start line. First group to all go through the course wins.
Relay 2: Blind Pyramids: Members, blindfolded, must go to a designated area and stack six Styrofoam cups pyramid fashion then return and pass the blindfold to the next team mate. Leaders should knock the cups down between people.
Relay 3: Coin, Book, Ball relay: Each team is given a 50 cent piece, a tennis ball, and paperback book. The idea is to balance the book on your head, hold coin in your eye, and keep the ball between your knees while going to the end of the room and back. First team to have all members complete the relay wins.
Relay 4: Each person on team pairs with a partner. Each pair races to a goal with an apple or a balloon balanced between their foreheads. If it is dropped they must start over.
Relay 5: Handsfull relay: collect a variety of interesting identical pairs of objects. 2 brooms, 2 balls, 2 skillets, 2 rolls of bathroom tissue, 2 chairs, 2 table tennis paddles, 2 ping pong balls, etc. Be crazy! Get at least 12 items. Place the items at the opposite end of the room in 2 piles. The first player runs to the end of the room picks up an item of choice and brings it back to his team. His team member then carries the object back to the other end and adds a second item. Each succeeding player carries the items collected by his teammates, picks up one new item, and carries them all back to the next player. This game will begin rapidly but will become slower as each successive player decides which item to add and then must pass all the items to the next player. Once picked up an item cannot touch the floor or be set down. Any item dropped in transit is returned to the table by the youth workers. No one may assist the players in the exchange of items except through verbal coaching. First team to empty their pile wins…
1. Daniel 5:27 “He was weighed in the balance and found wanting”
2. Opening for a lesson of priorities, balance, time management, etc.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.