Chocolate bar, dice, and various items for children to wear.
Place a chocolate bar in the center of the table. The candy should stay in its wrapper and, to make the game last longer, you could wrap the candy in layers of gift-wrapping paper as well. Each person sitting around the table takes a turn at rolling the dice. The 1st person who rolls a six gets to start eating the candy bar — but only after he puts on a pair of rubber gloves, a cap, facemask; an apron, and only after he runs once around the table; Then with only with a knife and fork he must remove the wrapper and cut and eat the squares of the chocolate one at a time. Add or remove whatever steps you want to make the game easier or more difficult.
While he is getting ready (according to the instructions above) to eat the candy bar, the group keeps taking turns rolling the dice. If someone rolls a six, then the person who rolled the six before him relinquishes his right to the candy bar, and the 2nd person must try to eat the candy before someone else rolls six. The game is over when the candy bar is finished.
While this game is very difficult, it is not impossible. Yet for us to go to heaven based on our works IS impossible. That is why Jesus gives salvation to us as a free gift if we will trust him as Lord and Savior.

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
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