Group Size: 10 to 30
Time: 30 minutes
Applications: ALIGNMENT, Listening, Roles, Group Dynamics, Problem-Solving
1. a blindfold for each participant
2. a 15-30 meter rope connected into a circle
For the group to form a perfect square / triangle with a rope while blindfolded.
1. Blindfold the group
2. “This game is played in rounds. Each round will have a task to complete”
3. “When you move, do so slowly and with your hands out in front of you to prevent injury.”
4. “Any Questions?”
Round 1
1. Lay the rope on the ground somewhere in the middle of the group.
2. There is something in your midst you need to find. You will know it when you find it.”
3. Your objective is for everyone to be holding it.
4. Begin.
When everyone is holding the rope. Congratulate them on a job well done. Then announce round 2.
Round 2
1. You must remain blind-folded and holding the rope.
2. You have 20 minutes to make the rope into as perfect a square as you can.
3. Begin.
When the group decides that it has completed a square, allow them to remove their blindfolds and check their work. Total time to this point is 30 minutes.
Round 3
1. You must remain blind-folded and holding the rope.
2. You have 10 minutes to make the rope into as perfect of an equilateral triangle as you can. (3 equal sides)
3. Begin.
When the group decides that it has completed a perfect triangle, allow them to remove their blindfolds and check their work. Total time to this point is 40 minutes.
Facilitator Notes
You can use smaller groups and shorter ropes and make it a competition. For additional application, videotape the activity and play it back for the group(s) to see. Pause at key turning points and significant moments in the process. Invite the participants to make observations.
General Debrief
• “What happened?”
• “Why?”
• “What changed?”
• “So What?”
• “Now What?”
“What happened?”
1. What happened?
2. How did order develop out of chaos?
3. What factors limited your success?
(frustration, lack of cooperation, ego/pride, weakly developed goals, lack of enthusiasm/motivation, lack of direction, lack of alignment, need for instant results, not knowing your position in the overall scheme of things, lack of teamwork)
4. What factors contributed to your eventual success?
(concentration, knowing your place in the overall scheme of things, designating clear roles for important positions like the corners, aligning yourself to those nearest you, clear expectations/rules, ability to see the “bigger picture”, encouragement, enthusiasm, clear goals, being able to deal with frustration, putting aside ego, effective leadership)
“What Changed?”
5. What did you do to bring order from the chaos?
(someone must take charge, discussion of strategy, more attentive to our position related to those around us, clear communication, keeping focused on the task, relinquish some control & power to a leader, manage frustration, play to group member strengths, share insights, cooperation, etc.)
“So What?”
6. What are the possible applications of the lessons learned from this activity to business, personal development, spiritual life, and relationships?
Why is it important for a team to be aligned? How do we take a group of people with different goals and directions and align them to accomplish a task? What are the key positions / people in your organization or business to help you align your team? What is the most effective way to bring someone who is out of alignment with the organizations goals and directions into alignment? Why is it sometimes important to put the group goal ahead of personal goals? How important is having a system to bringing about alignment? Clear communication? Proper planning and sticking to the plan?
What are some things that people use to find personal direction in life? What things do people use to align their lives? What are your key reference points for your life (corners)? What are you aligning your life with? How accurate are these guides? How does a sense of direction help us in the twists and turns of life and bring about order from chaos? What shape do you want your life to take? What steps will help you to shape your life to what you want to become as a person—to shape your character? What steps will it take to help you achieve what you want in life?
How does your faith provide direction in your life? What spiritual truths and precepts are most important for providing direction in your life? How do they help you to align your life? What area of your life is most chaotic at the moment? What area is out of alignment with the will of God? How can you bring your life back into alignment? What are the key reference points (corners) in your life? How do they help bring order to your relationship with God and others?
Would you describe your significant relationships as chaotic or in order? Are those nearest to you helping you to discover your place in the patterns of life? If you had to describe your relationships as a shape, what shape would it be? Why? Do you have a common sense of direction with those closest to you? Is this good or bad? What are the key reference points in your relationships? What are the key characteristics and character attributes that give them shape? In what areas of your relationships would you like to have more order? More freedom?
Now What?
7. What will you do differently as a result of this activity?

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
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