a piece of paper and scissors
(drama/object lesson, visual – Use caution when discussing Hell with young kids)
Fold the top right corner to left side of paper, forming a triangle, then the point at the top left over to the right side of the paper. Now it looks like a house with a pitched roof. Now fold the paper in half and hold it at the crease side rotating it around so that it is oriented like the last image below.
1. Tell the story of a man who sees another man with a ticket to heaven and how he demands a portion of the ticket. At the open end of the paper, cut piece #1 off, bottom to top, and say how the piece was given to the man who demanded the ticket.
2. Then tell how the man felt – if he had more of the ticket, he would receive more reward and demanded even more of the ticket. At the open end, bottom to top, cut off piece #2 and give to the demanding man.
3. The story goes that the man with the pieces of the ticket went before God and presented it to Him. He took the pieces [Arrange the pieces as below] and said, “This ticket shows me you are not of My son”
4. Then, the man who gave the pieces away, presented his ticket to God and when it was opened, it reveals a cross. God told him this shows you are one of my Son’s own, welcome to heaven.
Jesus suffered and sacrificed Himself for our sins and offers us the only way to heaven. Do you have your ticket?
You can also do this story as a skit, choose one of the kids as an assistant.
Two friends die and stand before God and God asks them why he should let them into heaven.
One responds “I have my ticket” while the other looks at him puzzled.
“Oh You don’t have a ticket?” “Oops I guess I never told you anything about a ticket.”
“Here, have a peice of my ticket.” (Tear off a third of the piece of paper (piece #1) and give it to yor volunteer.
Look at your peice and then at the volunteer’s piece.)
Oops, my peice is much larger. Are you concerned that you ticket isn’t big enough?
“Here, have another piece?” (Tears off another third (piece #2) and give it to the volunteer.
Then present your tickets to God. (another teacher or helper)
God lays out the pieces to spell “hell”
Look at your friend as to show you are very sorry. Very sad.
Then present your ticket to God. When the remaining piece of the paper is unfolded it forms a cross.
Summarise: Jesus is the only way. Its a choice we have to make now. If we wait until we stand before God it will be too late.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.