Teenagers put on masks to hide their feelings. They choose these masks unconsciously, but the masks can express the feelings and thoughts of the teenagers. Here are the masks often used by teenagers
Teenagers put on this mask to prove themselves to their parents. This masked teenager becomes a perfectionist, compulsive about work and dissatisfied with personal accomplishments. This mask covers up the unmet needs of acceptance, unconditional love, and appreciation.
This teenager holds the pain, hurt, and rejection. Then one day she explodes, spewing angry words and negative behavior over anyone nearby. The explosion just happens. Teenagers in abuse situations may wear this mask, although other situations can cause deep feelings of pain and rejection. This mask covers up the unmet needs of comfort, respect, love and attention.
This teenager lacks direction or purpose. He hangs out at the mall, not caring about school, sports or other activities. He may drop out of school and work at several low paying jobs. Occasionally a teenager wearing this mask runs away from home, but without a specific plan. Although this teenager doesn’t get attention at home, he lives at home because it’s rent-free. This mask covers up the unmet needs of direction and purpose, support, and encouragement.
This teenager loves to pick a fight. He’s known for attacking others verbally. Debates usually turn into arguments. In some instances arguments end in physical confrontation. Violence or vandalism can be an expression of his anger. He may even join a gang or hang out with destructive friends. As a result, this teenager lacks hope, believing he won’t live beyond his teenage years. This mask covers up the unmet needs of encouragement,
Feeling valued, comfort and love.
This teenager chooses sex as a substitute for love. For guys this becomes a sexual contest taken to extremes. For girls it can be a desire to belong to somebody _ anybody. Research has shown that teens will often use sex as a means to express and satisfy emotional and interpersonal needs that have little or nothing to do with sex. Sex becomes a coping mechanism to deal with the absence of love and affection at home. This mask covers up the unmet needs of love and affection, nurturing and support.
This teenager makes others laugh to get attention. At first the behavior is funny, but the constant jokes at inappropriate times and the constant demand for the spotlight make it difficult to tolerate this teenager for long. This ‘s parents never look beneath the humor to see the hurting. This mask covers up the unmet needs of attention, respect, values and appreciation.
This teenager uses a mask to withdraw from the world. She sees herself as the victim of life. Everything that happens to her is intentional. Every criticism, correction, or suggestion is spoken to hurt her feelings. She trusts no one. She comes home from school and goes directly to her cave (room). This teenager nay not try anything like sport or going to camp because she believes she will fail. This teenager believes she is inferior because she feels inferior. This mask covers up the unmet needs of respect, appreciation, security, significance and purpose.
A teenager wearing this mask is easily swayed to the crowd. Even though the crowd may change (school, church, ball team), this teenager goes along with whatever they decide to do – well or bad. The mask covers up the unmet needs of acceptance, attention, being valued as a person, and love.
Reflect on the masks you youths might be wearing, and why and how you can help them to satisdy the unmet need that so the mask can be removed and they can be themselves.

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