Dog Tales – Lessons in Love


“Ashley–a pre-owned Yorkie from the Humane Society–came into my home with his head hung low. The neighbors were all waiting for me at home to meet the newest member of my family. That was when we learned that this little dog was terrified of men.

In their presence, Ashley would shake like a leaf. All my men friends are gentle, but their imposing sizes and booming voices seemed to terrorize him. I had to find a way for Ashley to be healed of his fear!

Whenever a male visitor came to the door, I would pick up Ashley and hold him in my arms. I would ask my friend to pet the dog gently and talk to him in a soothing voice. When the little guy relaxed, I would hand him over to my friend to hold and continue petting for a few more minutes.

After some weeks, Ashley seemed to remember each man he met in this way, and he stopped cowering and shaking in their presence. In fact, after meeting my next door neighbor, Bob, Ashley stole into his house, then reappeared a few minutes later to drop one of Bob’s dirty socks at his feet. Bob, he seemed to be saying, was not only safe, he was accepted!

Since coming into my family, Ashley has been healed of his fear and to this day lives at peace with all men. It’s the love he’s been getting that’s healed his fear–I’m sure of it.

And not only is Ashley a beloved family member now, but he also reminds me how to approach all the abused and fearful people I meet. The best way is to start with love.

Diane Komp – “Dog Tales Lessons in Love” from Guideposts Magazine

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

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