Commitment to God often comes in difficult circumstances. When death seemed so close to Delos Miles in a bunker in North Korea, he began to pray. As he lay on the ground, a Chinese soldier put a rifle to his head. Miles prayed something like this: “Lord, if you are all-powerful like I’ve always heard you are, you can bring me out of here alive. If you will save my life, I’ll do anything you want me to do.”
The soldier fired. Instead of going through Delos’ head, the bullet went down across the right side of his head.
After 18 hours in that bunker pretending to be dead and 3 days and nights searching, Delos made it back to the First Marine Division. He now serves as Professor of Evangelism at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
For the complete story see Delos Miles, Introduction to Evangelism
(Nashville: Broadman Press, 1983, p171-173)

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.