Here’s a collection of party games for the Thanksgiving Holiday that can be used for family gatherings, youth groups, and other Thanksgiving celebrations
Pumpkin Bowling
– Use small pumpkins for this wild and potentially messy variation of bowling as one of your Thanksgiving Party Games.
Pumpkin Seed Toss
– Need a carnival game for Thanksgiving? Participants toss a Bean Bag into the opening of a pumpkin to win prizes in this Thanksgiving themed game. It also includes a small devotional on either “Goals” or “Wholesome speech”
Thanksgiving: Back to Back
– This party game tests the youth on how effectively they can you draw famous Thanksgiving pictures on the back of a team mate with a finger.
Can you pin the missing tail-feather on the turkey?
– This is a Thanksgiving variation of the classic “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” game.
Thanksgiving Bingo
– In this Thanksgiving themed variation of “Bingo”, the first person to get all of a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally yells out “Gobble, Gobble, Gobble”
Thanksgiving Twister
– Play a classic game of twister replacing the colored dots with Thanksgiving symbols.
Turkey in a Tree
– Use this high energy outdoor game for Thanksgiving fun involving the whole family.
Turkey Hunt
– Play a classic game of “Hide and Seek,” but call it a turkey hunt to go along with a Thanksgiving Theme.
Pumpkin Puzzles
– While initially intended as a Fall Festival or Halloween game, this messy game can also be used for Thanksgiving as well. Youth will cut up pumpkins and then try to put a cut up pumpkin back together again.
Cluck, Cluck, Gobble
– This Thanksgiving party game is played similar to the classic children’s game “Duck, Duck, Goose” but with some variations to make it a little more sophisticated for youth and adapt it to the Thanksgiving theme.
Kernel Cornucopia
– A variety of games using corn kernels and a concluding lesson on being thankful! The games make an effective object lesson or Children’s Sermon on the topic of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Turkey Feather Relay
– Which team can move their Turkey tail the fastest?
Turkey Toss
– In this game, participants will see how much corn they can feed the turkey to fatten it up for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Tailfeathers Icebreaker
In this wild and wacky game, youth will try to get rid of their tail-feathers by pinning them on someone else.

Holiday Collection
Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan not only your next Thanksgiving event, but also plan for familiar holidays. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for a variety of common holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
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