Use a tea bag as an object lesson to tell the story of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.
A tagged tea bag, two saucers, a clear glass of hot water, and a match or lighter.
NOTE: Please test first as not all brands of tea bags will float when lit.
Ephesians 2:5-10
Use a tea bag as an object lesson to tell the story of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. It’s the Easter message for children and adults.
Object Lesson
The Label
- Remove the tag/label and hold it up for the children to see.
- Explain: The label identifies the tea. Jesus was labeled with many tags. He was called Christ, Messiah, teacher, Savior, the King of Kings, the man from Galilee, the carpenter, the Son of God, Redeemer, friend of sinners, good shepherd, Great Physician, King of the Jews and much more. Then at the cross, a sign was placed over his head – “King of the Jews.” Jesus was in the very nature God, but he wasn’t concerned with titles. He did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. Instead, he took the nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. He emptied himself and made himself nothing.
The String
- Remove the string and show it to the children.
- Then explain: People often become attached to things here on earth. They are often attached to possessions, pleasure, and power. Jesus was tempted by Satan after 40 days in the desert with the very same things. But Jesus was not attached to these things. Instead, his focus was on doing the will of God. He came to earth with a purpose. And that purpose was yours and my redemption.
The Staple
- Carefully remove the staple and show it to the children.
- Explain: This tea bag was pierced and has holes from a staple. Jesus was not pierced with a staple but with nails and a spear. Soldiers nailed his body to a cross.
The Tea
- Carefully open the tea bag without tearing it. Display the bag of tea leaves to the children.
- Then explain: Tea looks like dirt. If you put it in water, it will change the water to the color of the tea. It will no longer be clear and pure.
- Demonstrate by dropping a bit of tea into the glass of hot water and stirring it around.
- Explain: Like this tea bag, we all have dirt in our lives. We are not pure. The Bible calls this dirt, this impurity, sin. We need help from God to remove the sin from our lives. That’s exactly why Jesus came – to help us remove the sin from our lives. We must trust Jesus to remove the sin from our lives. When we ask him for forgiveness, he will make us clean and pure again.
- Then empty the tea leaves into the saucer.
The Tea Bag
- Carefully open up the tea bag completely. It will open into a long tube that you can stand on the second saucer.
- Explain: When Jesus removes the sin from our lives we can stand pure and proud in the sight of God. We will become a light for God. Philippians 2:15 says that among the perverse generation we will shine as lights in the world.
Lights for Christ
- Light the bag from the top and allow it to burn.
- Explain: As you shine for Jesus you become closer to God in your Christian walk, and one day your soul shall join him for eternal life. Just as Christ was resurrected and went to be with the Father, we will also rise up to be with him. We will be exalted and raised with him.
- The tea bag floats up as it burns.
That’s the story of Easter. Jesus set aside his titles and emptied himself and became one of us. He came with a purpose, to cut us free from the things of the world. He was pierced for us. And when we ask his forgiveness, he will take away the dirt from our lives and make us pure. We can stand strong and become his light to the world. And, just as he has risen we will also rise to be with him.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200-page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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