Tag Archives: sacrifice


One of my favorite pastimes is hiking.  

Southeast Asia has a wonderful variety of places to go. From tropical rainforest to incredible beaches, you can find it all here.  Another aspect that makes it such fun is that you meet travelers from all over the world. On a trip to Thailand, I was on a jungle trek with recently met friends from France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, and England. As we traveled we helped each other across rivers, through mudslides, and across rice paddies.  But one wonders how much commitment to that friendship would exist if one of us really got into trouble.

There is a story of two teens hiking through the Taman Negara in Malaysia. If you have ever been there, you know the jungle, a tropical rainforest, is fascinating but humid, and full of the worst of insects. Mosquito repellant is almost useless as the sweat of your body dilutes it and washes it away within minutes.  Yet Mosquitoes are not the only thing wishing to suck your blood… there are also leeches and other unpleasant irritants.

Fighting off the leeches these boys were traveling what seemed a trail when they discovered a cave in the hillside.  Curious, as are most teen boys, they entered the cave, with little thought of safety or of what might lie inside.  The cool dampness of the cave was a welcome retreat from the tropical steam bath outside.  The cave was bigger than expected and soon, the dim light from the entrance was no longer sufficient for them to see more than shadows. One boy thought he heard something ahead, but wasn’t certain.  Maybe it was just dripping water or his imagination. The jungle will do that to you.  Your imagination often plays tricks with reality.

Still, they pressed on, keeping their eyes and ears attentive just in case it wasn’t imagination, in case they were not alone. Suddenly, a large shadow loomed in the distance ahead.  Two luminescent eyes reflected the dim light, accompanied by the unmistakable roar of a Malayan tiger.  Awakened from a nap, the tiger was a bit grouchy — to put it mildly.  It was his trail they had followed and this was his den.  

Scared, the boys turned to make a dash for the entrance, when one of them dropped to the floor and started removing his hiking boots– soon to be replaced by his running shoes. While tying his laces, his shocked and frightened friend yelled at him, “Aiyaa! Chapat! Hurry up… Let’s get out of here! Why do you change your shoes?  We have little chance of outrunning that tiger… we might as well face it… we are lunch…”

Getting to his feet and beginning to run the first boy replied, “I don’t
have to outrun that tiger… all I have to do is outrun you.”

Ever felt like tiger bait?  

When things get tough, your friends forget you exist or worse yet, use you as a sacrifice to enable them to get out of trouble.  You get the blame for their actions. They vanish and you get left as tiger bait, left alone to deal with the problem.  Ever felt like a friend led you somewhere you might not have gone on your own, and then when things got difficult, left you.  Maybe it was sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking, or merely a small prank. But they escaped and left you to face the consequences.  It seemed a cool, pleasant, and enjoyable break from things but it turned dangerous. and when it did, you found yourself alone.

“Be controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8)  But even when you haven’t been quite as alert as you should, and you seem to be alone, in the dark, facing your worst nightmare, you need not fear.  One of the greatest joys of living as a Christian is knowing that Jesus will never leave you as tiger bait. To the contrary, he has sacrificed himself that you might escape the gnashing teeth and darkness, that you might escape death and walk again in the light. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13)  

Trust Jesus with the tigers in your life.

Christ Calls Us Friends

Summer is a time of friendships. The time away from school is a welcome break and provides the freedom to spend time with friends doing the things you enjoy. Friends will come and go but all will teach you something about who you are and who you want to be. But Jesus also calls us friends. So what does that teach us?

What to do
Place a tag/ sticker with each name on the back of people as they enter the meeting. Do not tell them that these are pairs of friends. Their task is to mingle around asking “yes” or “no” questions to discover the character on the tag. After a brief time of mingling have each person find his or her “friend” and share a quality they look for in a friend! (The three stooges are included in case you have an odd number of people.) If the group is small you might give out only one of each pair and then once everyone has discovered his/her identity have them name the friend associated with the person on the tag they have been given.

Here’s a sample list of famous friendships.

Be sure to add any famous friendships from recent television shows or youth culture.

Take It to the Next Level

Put the following questions up on posters around the room – taped to the walls or to the floor. Have youth wander around the room and to add their thoughts and answers for each question. Then discuss them as a group!

  • A friend is…?
  • Real Friends always…?
  • Real Friends never…?
  • One of my friends is ________ because…?
  • What do you do to be a friend and to have friends?
  • What is one of the qualities you look for in a friend?
  • What is one of your best qualities as a friend?
  • What is one of the qualities you look for in a friend?

Take It Spiritual

John 15:13 calls us to look to the interests of others for the sake of the common good. Jesus’ whole life is an incarnation of the ideal of friendship. What Jesus teaches he is already living. Jesus gave everything to his friends—his knowledge of God and his own life. Jesus is our model for friendship—because he loved without limits—and he makes it possible for us to live a life of friendship—because we have been transformed by everything he shared with us. Through friendship we come to know God and through friendship we express the love of God. We can risk being friends because Jesus has been a friend to us.

Make it Practical

  • How can we be better friends to those around us?
  • How can we express the love of God in our friendships?

Make it Personal

  • What is something you will do this week to be more Christlike in your friendships?


“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.” – John 15:12-15

This idea is adapted from a similar idea in our ebook “Icebreakers Ahead: Take it to the Next Level”

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

Bible Lessons from the Olympics: Bringing Home the Gold

The Dream of a Lifetime

Canoe racing was added to the Olympics at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, France.

At that time, ocean going ships were the primary means of travel between the United States and France. Athletes couldn’t hop on a jet and be there in a matter of hours like they do today. This presented a dilemma for one member of the United States four man canoe team who were expected to win the gold medal.

Bill Havens’ wife was expecting, and if he made the long journey there was a good chance he wouldn’t make it back in time for the birth of his first child. While his wife insisted he should compete, he struggled with the decision. If he stayed, it would mean setting aside his life long dream he had spent years working towards. If he went, his wife would give birth without him at her side.

His eventually decided to withdraw from the Olympics and stay behind with his wife because he considered being with her more important than pursuing his life-long dream in the Olympics.

The United States four man team won the gold in canoe racing without him. And Bill’s wife gave birth so late, that had he left and competed in the Olympics he could have still returned home without missing the birth of his son. While the world saw it as a missed opportunity, Bill Havens had no regrets. His commitment to someone he loved dearly was more important to him than a Gold medal around his neck.

But this story doesn’t end there…

28 years later, in 1952, Bill Havens received a cablegram from Frank, the son he stayed behind to seen born. The cablegram was Helsinki, Finland, the venue for the 1952 Olympic Games:

“Dad, I won. I’m bringing home the gold medal you lost while waiting for me to be born.”

Frank Havens won the gold medal for the United States in the canoe-racing event. He won the Gold medal that his father had sacrificed 28 years earlier to be with his mother while he was born.

As Christians, we also make a commitment to someone we love that is more important to us than anything the world could offer. And at the end of this race called life, we also will receive a reward we have dreamed of getting, but did not earn. This reward was not earned by our son, as was the case of Bill Havens, but by the Son of God. And he does not bring it home to us, but brings us home to receive it in Heaven.

“Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day–and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:8

Take It to the Next Level

  • What dilemma’s do Christians face as they live out their commitment to Christ, to the one they love? What struggles do you face? What struggles have you face?
  • Bill Havens sacrificed the Gold, and never expected that his son would one day receive it.  As Christians we know that our sacrifices here on earth will be honored in heaven. Do we live for the rewards or do we live the way we do because of our commitment to the one we love? What’s the difference?
  • How does knowing that God will honor our sacrifices, give us strength to make the difficult choices in life?
  • What is a commitment you need to make out of your love for Christ this week, knowing that God will honor that commitment?
  • How can you make that commitment a reality?


Get "Go for the Gold" Youth Bible Study SeriesGo for the Gold
Need an evangelistic Youth Camp/ Bible Study Series with an Olympic Theme?

What is salvation all about? What does it mean to be saved? This sports themed Bible Study / Camp Curriculum uses the Olympic Flag to introduce the concepts of sin (black circle), forgiveness (red circle), purity (white background), spiritual growth (green circle), heaven (Yellow Circle) and (Baptism) blue circle.
-> Tell me about “Go for the Gold”

Get "Destined to Win" Youth Bible Study SeriesDestined to Win
Need a Youth Camp/ Bible Study Series on “Running the Christian Race”?

The race as a metaphor for the Christian life is used in several places in the Bible. This series is a great follow up for new Christians or to re-emphasize the basics of our spiritual Journey in the Faith. This Bible Study / Camp Curriculum has a sports theme and is great for athletes as well as a tie in to the youth Olympic Games.
->Tell me about “Destined to Win”