A real Christmas tree with an equal number of real ornaments and a star for each group.
(It is best to use unbreakable ornaments)
One at a time, each team member runs to the tree, attaches an ornament, and returns to the team. First group getting all ornaments attached to the tree wins!
Use stars and blindfold the participants. The team with the star closest to the correct position on the tree is awarded.
You can also award the best looking tree.
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.
Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
One team takes turns to ask a person in the other team a question e.g. What do you stir your coffee with? The person is only allowed to answer ‘Christmas Trees’ and they musn’t laugh or smile. A team gets a point for each question they can answer without laughing. If they laugh, each person in the opposing teams gets to ask a question and get a point for each laugh.
Sit in a circle. One person in the center asks the questions. Whoever laughs goes to the center of the circle.
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
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A Christmas gift that has been wrapped in multiple boxes and multiple layers of wrapping paper with instructions in between each layer.
Game Preparation
Wrap a small gift in a small box. Either use multiple boxes or multiple layers of wrapping paper or a combination. With each box or layer, you will write a message and tape it to the outside of that box or layer. The final box or layer will also have a message on it. (The message on the final big box should read something like this: “This gift goes to the person standing closest to the Christmas tree”. That person receives the gift, opens it and finds the next layer with a message that could say something like this: “So sorry! This present goes to the person who is sitting next to you on the left!” That person then gets the gift and opens it and finds the next box which has a similar message. This continues until you get to the last box which will have the final message designating who actually gets the gift.
Include challenges as part of the messages. An example: “This gift goes to the first person who runs to you and correctly identifies the three gifts the wisemen brought to Jesus.”
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.
Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
Scissors, a set of balloons for each team (Different colors to distinguish teams), paper, marker and trash bag to hold balloons.
Game Preparation
Write a Christmas Bible Verse or a phrase from a Christmas Carol on a piece of paper paper, then cut it up into a puzzle (however many pieces will determine how many balloons you will need). Use the same number of pieces for each team. Place each puzzle piece into a separate balloon (you probably will have to roll the puzzle piece up), blow the balloon up, and then put the balloons in a trash bag for holding and preventing them from getting mixed up.
Game play
Pick teams and give each participant a balloon (with a puzzle piece in it) In this relay race, particpants run down to a chair and pop balloon and retrieve the puzzle piece. When the team has collected all the pieces, they must put them together and find the special message… First team finished is the winner.
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
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Game Play
Played like the traditional “Duck, Duck, Goose.” In this game, participants sit down in a circle facing each other. One person is “it” and walks around the circle. As they walk around, they tap people’s heads and say whether they are a “wiseman” or a “Jesus”. Once someone is named “Jesus” he/she must get up and try to chase “it” around the circle. The goal is to tap that person before they are able sit down in the spot emptied by Jesus (The Stable). If Jesus is not able to do this, he/she becomes “it” for the next round and play continues. If he/she does tap the “it” person, the person tagged has to sit in the center of the circle. Jesus then becomes it for the next round. The person in the middle can’t leave until another person is tagged and they are replaced.
Santa, Santa, Reindeer.
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
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Santa lost his candy canes in the snow and has asked his reindeer to sniff them out.
Game Play
Each team chooses a reindeer as a representative. Each reindeer is given a pie-tin or tray of whipped cream. In each, lie two hidden pieces of candy canes. The aim is to sniff for the candy canes without the use of hands. If you use a tray, two teams can compete on the same tray. First group to sniff out the candy canes and come up with it in their teeth is a winner.
Read about the significance of the Candy Cane to the Birth of Christ in the “Legend of the Candy Cane”
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
Nativity scene with multiple individual pieces.
Game Play
This is a scavenger hunt type game. Hide the pieces from the nativity scene around the room. Some should be easy to find and some more difficult. Place one on the snack table, one could be in with the presents, one in the tree, and so on! Give each person a piece of paper and a pencil, the goal is to be the first person to locate all the items of the nativity scene and correctly write their locations on the paper.
Help Santa find his reindeer. 8 people (or 9) to find Santa’s Reindeer will win a prize.
See Conducting Scavenger Hunts for help, Hints, Safety Considerations, Rules, and other useful information to make your scavenger hunt a wild success!
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
Game Preparation
Divide the youth into twelve groups of any size.
Game Play
Group everyone into 12 teams. Give each team one verse of the twelve days of Christmas song. They will be responsible for singing that verse of the song. As the teams sing their verse, they are to act it out (i.e. eight maids a milking, six geese a laying, partridge in a pear tree). Allow each team a few minutes together to determine what motions they plan to do. Then sing the song together for lots of fun!
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
=> Tell me more about the Christmas Collection
Game Preparation
Take a new pair of very warm, thick socks or a thick Christmas Stocking. Place objects you use or see around Christmas time, into the socks/stockings. More than one sock/stocking allows the game to go faster, but make sure you put identical things in each stocking. Use things like holly, scotch tape, ornaments, pine cone, etc. (See the Christmas Bingo game if you need other ideas for objects) Make sure you put about 20 to 25 different objects inside. Tie a ribbon or rope around the opening to make sure nobody peeks.
Game Play
Give everyone a piece of paper and pass the socks/stockings around and tell participants how many objects there are inside. Have them write down all they can feel. The person who correctly guesses the most objects is the winner. You might choose to award the stocking to the winner.
Christmas Collection Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.Get more than 200 creative ideas for planning a Youth Christmas celebration or Christmas Party party. You can immediately download my best Christmas Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Christmas activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!
Find someone to sign his or her name for each item on a list. You can ask a person only one question. If the answer is no, you must go to someone else before returning to this person with another question. If the answer is yes, have the person sign your list next to the item. After 10 minutes, the person with the most names is declared the winner.
I have more fun giving than receiving gifts at Christmas
I love candy canes
I’d rather have ham than turkey at Christmas
I placed the star on our Christmas Tree
I sent someone a Christmas card
I sat on Santa’s lap as a kid
I have a Christmas stocking
I like snow
I have an artificial Christmas tree in my home
I don’t mind getting clothes as Christmas gifts
I like to go Christmas caroling
I can recite the first two lines of “the Night before Christmas”
Holiday Collection Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween or Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving event. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do for all these holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.
Creative Youth ideas: 1700+ Resources for youth leaders, pastors, ministers to help plan camps, retreats, and meetings using games, illustrations, Children's Worship, Bible Studies, object lessons, sermons, creative ideas,creative activities