This is a high energy game adapted for the Holiday. All that is needed is an open space where kids and youth can run around.
Have kids get in groups of three. Two of the kids hold hands so that there is an open space in the middle btween them, as a hollow tree. The remaining participant stands in the center between the arms and is the “Turkey in a tree”.
Game Play
There are three options that participants must respond to in this game:
1. If HUNTER is called, all the trees remain where they are and the turkeys must flee and duck into another tree. A tree may only contain one turkey. The last turkey to find a tree to hide in is eliminated from the game along with the tree.
2. If LIGHTNING is called, all turkeys remain in their positions and the trees must change position and partners. The last two people to position themselves holding hands around a turkey are eliminated.
3. if EARTHQUAKE is called, everyone, both turkeys and trees, must change positions and find new partners. Turkeys can become trees and vice-versa as long as there are new groups of three. As with the other options, the last group to form is eliminated.
Continue the game until there is only one one group of three remaining and give them a prize.

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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