Everyone knows how Santa Claus looks right? The red hat, the black belt, rosy cheeks… But how well can you draw him?
Game Description
The objective of this Christmas Party game is to draw the BEST Santa Claus. The catch is that you draw it together with the rest of the team and cannot see what they have already drawn.
Game Materials
Paper and pencil for each team. Add a little color by giving each team a basic box of crayons as well. It is best to use thick opaque paper so that when folded over, you cannot see any of the drawing underneath.
Game Preparation
Game Play
- The objective of this Christmas Party game is to draw Santa Claus, one stage at a time.
- Divide the group into teams and place them in a straight line so that people are facing AWAY from the person at the front of the line. This is to prevent them from looking over their shoulder and seeing what someone else is drawing.
- Give each team a piece of paper and drawing supplies.
- Ask the person at the front of the line to draw Santa’s Hat. Give them 2 minutes to drawing Santa’s hat with all the details, then ask them to fold the paper down so that only the bottom edge of his hat can be seen.
- The paper is then passed to the next person on the team. Ask this person to draw Santa’s face. Give them 2 minutes to draw Santa’s face with all the details, then ask them to fold the paper down so that only the bottom edge of his face with the beard can be seen.
- The paper is then passed to the next person on the team. Ask this person to draw Santa down to his waist. Give them 2 minutes to draw, then ask them to fold the paper down so that only the bottom edge can be seen.
- The paper is then passed to the next person on the team. Ask this person to draw Santa’s down to his ankles. Give them 2 minutes to draw, then ask them to fold the paper down so that only the bottom edge can be seen.
- The paper is then passed to the next person on the team. Ask this person to draw Santa’s feet. Give them 2 minutes to drawing Santa’s feet.
- Unfold the papers for the rest of the team to see and then award a prize to the team with the best Santa. The results can be quite hilarious.
Add points based on the following criteria:
- red suit with White trim
- Red cap with white trim,
- thick black belt
- sooty black boots
- rosy cheeks
- twinkling eyes
- brighter-than-white teeth
- whiskers
- merry dimples
- nose like a cherry;
- droll little mouth, drawn up like a bow
- beard on his chin was as white as the snow
- he had a broad face
- a little round belly
- He was chubby and plump
- a right jolly elf
- A sack full of toys
The group with the most points wins!

Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.
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