“Who do people say that I am?” Jesus Asked — perhaps because people find it easier to begin talking about other people’s opinions. It was an invitation to discussion. Jesus then asked the personal question: “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:15) because he was never content to leave spiritual truth at the level of discussion of what others believed. Spiritual Truth must become personal if it is to change lives.
Jesus used questions to help people draw conclusions for themselves, such as when He spoke with the rich ruler about eternal life (Luke 18:18-29).
He also invited discussion and used questions to correct faulty thinking, as when He talked with religious leaders about authority (Matthew 21:23-27). Often Jesus did not answer His own questions but used them to lead His listeners toward truth.
But Jesus did more than ask questions. Part of encouraging others to talk is learning to listen. He himself learned by listening to teachers in the temple (Luke 2:46). He reminded His followers to listen to understand (Mt 11:15; 13:18; 15:10). God commanded people to listen to Jesus (Lk 9:35). Jesus listened and encouraged others to listen.
When we invite others to speak, we get them to interact with the truths of God. When we invite others to speak, we are one step closer to teaching as Jesus taught.

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