Mother’s Prayer for her Children

It has been reported that Susannah Wesley, the mother of John Wesley spent one hour each day praying for her 17 children.

In addition, she took each child aside for a full hour every week to discuss spiritual matters.

No wonder two of her sons, Charles and John, were used of God to bring blessing to all of England and much of America:
John Wesley is listed as #50 of the greatest Britons of all time.

  • He is credited, along with his brother Charles Wesley, as founding the Methodist movement.
  • His writings and sermons also developed into what is known as the Holiness movement.
  • He organised and formed numerous Christian focused societies throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.
  • He regularly preached the gospel two or three times a day.
  • He was said to have rode on horseback 250,000 miles, given away 30,000 pounds, and preached more than 40,000 sermons in his lifetime.
  • He constructing chapels for worship
  • He supervised schools and orphanages
  • He prescribed medicines for the sick
  • He commissioned itinerant preachers to spread the gospel message
  • Near the end of his life he was widely respected and referred to as “the best loved man in England.”


Charles Wesley wrote more than 5,500 hymns.

  • Many of his still very popular today and about 150 of his hymns are in the Methodist Hymn book.


The prayers of a mother make a difference. Thank your mother for her prayer this Mother’s day!

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Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day celebration or youth event in honor of mothers. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do with your youth for the various holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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A Mother’s Day Card from Calvin and Hobbes

In a Calvin & Hobbes comic strip for Mother’s Day, Calvin is shown standing beside his
mother’s bed.

“Hey, Mom! Wake up. I made you a Mother’s Day card.”
“My, how sweet of you.” she says.
“I did it all by myself. Go ahead & read it.” Calvin responds.

So she reads it:
“I was going to buy a card with hearts of pink & red.
But then I thought I’d rather spend the money on me instead.
It’s awfully hard to buy things when one’s allowance is so small.
So I guess you’re pretty lucky I got you anything at all.
Happy Mother’s Day. There, Iíve said it. Now I’m done.
So how about getting out of bed & fixing breakfast for your son.”
Signed, “Calvin.”

“I’m deeply moved.” said his mother.
“Did you notice the part about my allowance?” He asks.

Take it to the Next Level
I sometimes wonder if our praise to God is often along the same lines?
We often fail to give to God because we are more concerned about using the money for ourselves.
I have bills to pay, kids to feed and my wife’s shopping sprees to pay for…
“I’d rather spend it on me.”
And then, we give God our praise, and worship,
but in the back of our minds we have an agenda:
“God, would you mind taking a look at my allowance?”


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Games and Activities in Celebration of common Holidays.

Creative Holiday Ideas has over 300 pages of ideas to help you plan your next Mother’s Day celebration or youth event in honor of mothers. If you’ve ever wondered what you’re going to do with your youth for the various holidays and how you’re going to do it, this resource is for you.

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How to Blow out an egg to have just the hollow shell for Easter Activities

At Easter, instead of using decorated hard-boiled eggs for your Youth Easter Activities, you can sometimes use just the egg shells with the contents removed. Here is a simple way to empty the contents of an egg without creating too much of a mess — and it leaves most of the egg shell intact.


  • Fresh Eggs
  • One nail, Sewing needle, or a sharp tipped object
  • One bowl
  • Optional Sharp pointed scissors


What to do

  1. Set the bowl on the table and work above the bowl to avoid making a mess. The bowl not only catches any egg yolk or egg white that might spill, but it also allows you to save the egg contents to use for an omellete or for cooking. If you choose to save the egg whites/ yolk be sure to refrigerate or cook it the same day to avoid it going bad.
  2. Holding the egg above the bowl, scrape the end of the egg with the nail or needle until you wear away a little of the shell and create a small hole. Don’t apply to much pressure or you will break the egg.
  3. After you have broken through the shell, do the same thing again on the opposite end of the egg.
  4. Carefully enlarge the hole with a sharp pointed pair of scissors or using the nail / needle to break off small pieces of the edge of the opening until it is about 1/8 of an inch in diameter or slightly larger.
  5. Hold one end of the egg up to your mouth and blow hard but steadily into the hole so that the contents exit from the other end of the egg and are caught in the bowl. If it is too difficult to blow the contents out you might need to increase the size of the exit hole a little bit.
  6. CAUTION: Sometimes if the egg is weak or the pressure inside is too great it could simply explode. Don’t worry, that is what the bowl is for and it adds a little eggcitement to the activity. 🙂
  7. You may have to do this more than once before the egg is empty. Then run some hot water into the opening of the egg, covering the other end and getting as much hot water inside the empty egg shell as possible. Empty it, and repeat this several times until the water from inside the egg runs clear.
  8. Put a paper towel or tissue into the egg carton the and set the egg back into it, one hole down, to drain the egg.
  9. Once it dries you can decorate the egg just as you would a normal hard-boiled egg. You can use a little white toothpaste or plaster to cover the holes if you wish.


You now have hollowed eggs that you can use to decorate and save or use as slightly more fragile replacements for hard boiled eggs.

Check out the Creative Youth Ideas Easter Collection for ideas using Eggs during your Easter Activities for Youth, Children, and even adults.

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Crushed – Isaiah 53:5

Use this Easter Object Lesson to remind youth that Christ was crushed for our sins so that we might be made whole and begin a new life with him.


  • Several hollowed out Eggs

Click here to learn how to blow out an egg without breaking it.

What to do

    • Give each youth a clean, hollowed out, un-broken egg
    • Ask the youth to close their eyes, and imagine this white egg to represent the perfect and Holy Jesus.

Give youth some paints, crayons, markers, glue, glitter, etc to decorate their eggs with something symbolic of Christ.

  • Then ask the youth to hold the eggs in their hands and close their eyes.
  • Imagine this egg as the pure Holy Christ.
  • Then ask the youth to SQUEEZE the egg as hard as they can, breaking it into lots of pieces.
  • As they hold the shattered eggs in their hand, ask them to fix it back to the way it was before.
  • Finally, Ask them what emotions and thoughts this activity stirs in their hearts and minds.

Take it to the Next Level

  • Were you hesitant to crush the egg? Did you find it difficult to crush this symbol of God with your hands? Why or why not?
  • In what ways does the crushing of this egg represent our relationship with God?
  • In what ways do some of our actions destroy our relationship with God?
  • How did you feel when you tried to restore your egg back to its original state?
  • Think about a time in your life when you felt like this crushed egg? What happened?
  • Think about a time when you did something in a relationship and wished you could have set things back to the way they were before. What happened?
  • Why is it so difficult to repair damaged relationships?
  • Scripture says it is impossible for us to restore our relationship with God. Why?
  • What lessons does this simple object lesson hold for us when it comes to relationships in our own lives?
  • In what ways do people crush and damage relationships?
  • What can be done to put things back to the way they were?

Closing out the Lesson
It is impossible to completely restore the egg that has been crushed. Cracks and scars will remain. Forgiveness is often difficult, and even when we do forgive someone, it is not always easy to put the pieces of our broken lives back together again. Consequences may be much longer lasting. There are people who have suffered physical, sexual and emotional abuse and the results can last for a lifetime. Sometimes we wonder, “How can I ever forgive this person for what s/he did to me?” And we go on living life as shattered souls, trying to piece things back together.

But this is where the story of the Cross and Easter come into play. The sin in our lives destroys the perfect relationship we had with God. Nothing we can do can put it back together. But Jesus was crushed on the cross for our sin. (Isaiah 53:5) He put himself in our place and was crushed so that we might be whole again. He came not to put our broken lives back together but to give us a new life in Christ – To start a new relationship with him. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” (Isaiah 43:25) Everything is new. A new beginning comes to our lives.

And in the same way God forgives us, we need to forgive others. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Give Each youth a new egg and let them decorate it with something representative of a new beginning in Christ. Today can be a new beginning for each of us if we trust the work of Christ on the Cross and believe in the resurrection and new life he brought to us on Easter Morning. Ask youth to pray a prayer of forgiveness and also to commit to a new beginning with those they have wronged or that have wronged them. Ask them to begin anew in their relationship with God. Maybe they can give this second egg to someone as an offering and reminder of forgiveness or simply keep it as a reminder of God’s forgiveness.

God wants to give us a new beginning in our relationship with Him as well in our relationship with others. Make this Easter a time of new life, of new beginnings in your life. Give God the broken pieces of your life and of relationships and trust him for a new sunrise tomorrow, for a resurrection morning filled with new life in Him!

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Tangled Easter

Youth will find the Easter basket by following the string.


  • String
  • Easter basket


Run and Loop strings throughout the playing area with the Easter basket on the end of the string. Go under chairs, cross over other strings, etc. Have one string and basket for each youth or groups of youth working as a team..

What to do

  1. From the youth into two or more groups.
  2. Tell the group to follow the tangled strings until they reach the Easter basket.
  3. The first group to do so will win.


  • You can place treats along the way to make it more fun.


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Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

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Easter Egg Guessing Game

The youth that correctly guess the number of Easter eggs in the Easter basket wins a prize.

Easter eggs of various types and a large Easter basket

Fill the big Easter basket with eggs of different colors and sizes. Use real eggs as well as chocolate eggs, etc.

What to do

  • Youth will guess the number of Easter eggs in the Easter Basket and write it on a piece of paper along with their name.
  • Read out the guesses at the end of your Easter Party and the person who gets the closest gets to take home the Easter Basket filled with Easter goodies.


You can also give the youth a piece of paper and a pen as they arrive at your Easter Party. As the game starts, you can ask everybody to write their names on the piece of paper and their answer to the question, “How many Easter eggs are there in the basket?” Collect all the pieces of paper and announce the names of the youth and the answers. Slowly remove all the eggs from the Easter basket and count them as you empty it to create more suspense than simply calling out the answer.


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First Love

Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7

“For the churches in Ephesus and Laodicea, the problem was the problem of spiritual passion…What began as a wholehearted commitment to Christ and His work gradually cooled. We don’t have any of the details, only these fragments of history from Revelation, but we can picture it from our own experience.

I remember the first time I saw Ruth. With me, it was love at first sight. I can still remember the excitement I felt. I remember the first time I held her hand. I remember the thrill of the first kiss, our eyes shining with love for each other. I remember my stomach churning, heart pumping, blood boiling during our honeymoon and for years afterward. First love is wonderful. But the first flames of physical passion inevitably change.

Our love has been one of commitment. The word ‘love’ is an active, not passive, verb. It should not be confined to the physical. It is a lifetime of commitment. Ruth and I can sit on our front porch on a summer’s evening and hardly say a word, but we are communing with each other. Their love was only physical. The first flames of the honeymoon inevitably went cool, then the day-to-day routine settled in. The passion of first love died, and with the passion died the practices associated with it.

Remember that moment you first heard of Christ and believed in Him as Lord and Savior of your life? Remember kneeling at a parent’s bedside, at a local church altar or in the quiet of a redwood retreat, or coming forward in an evangelistic crusade? Remember joining the church and feeling the loving arms of a Christian community reach out to receive you? Remember your baptism and the joy you felt in
this act of faith…

Christ was calling the Ephesians and the Laodiceans away from respectable, comfortable, passionless, lukewarm religion. He wanted them totally committed to Him, wholeheartedly available. He called them back to the holy passion and the joy of the first love. They had settled instead for mere theological respectability and material comfort. He wanted them alive, depending, risking, passionate again. For it is in the ‘first love’ commitment that they would find the strength to face the horsemen.”

Billy Graham – “Approaching Hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” 1983, Word, Inc.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Easter Egg Treasure Hunt

This Easter Games in a combination of a classic treasure hunt with a traditional Easter Egg hunt.


  • Easter Eggs
  • Treasure Maps

Make a treasure map for your egg hunt. It doesn’t have to be to scale and it doesn’t have to be perfect. Add important details like flowers, bushes, tress, etc to indicate hiding spots.

What to do

  1. Group the youth into teams and give each team a treasure map.
  2. Be sure that all teams have the same copy of the treasure map.
  3. The team of youth that finds the most eggs wins a prize.

You can also add special Easter eggs, like a gold egg with a special prize inside.


Use it with Easter symbols for more meaning.

BONUS: How to make a more realistic Treasure Map.


  • white paper
  • Tea bags or strong tea
  • flat pan
  • matches or a lighter


What to do

  1. Tear the edges of the paper in an irregular pattern
  2. Make strong tea and pour into your flat pan
  3. Place the paper into the tea for about 5 minutes.
  4. Flip it over and leave it in the tea for another minute
  5. Let it dry.
  6. Lightly burn the edges with a match or lighter.


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Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

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Easter Basket Hunt

The Easter Basket will be discovered after all the Easter Eggs have been collected.


  • Plastic Easter eggs with clues inside that lead to other Hidden Easter Eggs
  • The last Easter Egg Clue reveals the location of the Easter Basket.
  • Easter basket


Hide all the plastic Easter eggs with clues inside.

What to do

  1. Tell the group to search for the Easter basket through the clues placed inside the plastic Easter eggs. (of course they have to find the eggs first)
  2. The first egg will have the clue that will lead them to the next egg. And the next plastic egg will have the clue that will lead them to the next egg until they’ll find the Easter basket.
  3. You can have dozen of eggs per group with the corresponding color per group.
  4. The first team to collect the dozens of eggs and finds the basket wins.

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Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

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St. Patrick’s Day Ideas for Youth

Use this information in a Children’s sermon or for a youth acitivity for St. Patrick’s day. The significance of St Patrick’s day is not in the traditions associated with it today, but in its remembrance of forgiving teenager who was sold into slavery and escaped only to return to the country where he had been a slave, in order to bring the people there to the love of Christ.

Bring in a large three leafed clover (Shamrock) or clover stickers for each of the children. You might also wear something green, or even let the children have a taste of some traditional Irish food like corned beef and cabbage. NOTE: Cabbage was traditionally served with Irish bacon, instead of corned beef. Corned beef is apparently an Irish American tradition started at the turn of the century because families could not afford Irish Bacon.

St Patrick’s Day is March 17, on the day of his death, and has been traditionally associated with all things Irish and a lucky clover. At some point Leprechaun’s and rainbows with a pot of gold at the end somehow were included in the mythology. Like many holidays, St. Patrick’s day began as a religious holiday to commemorate his death, but the original purpose and traditions have been replaced with something almost entirely unconnected to the original celebration. Many of the details of his life are disputed, but we can be certain that he did preach to the unsaved in Ireland and placed a major role in the evangelization of a very large number of people.

Let’s first look at some of the common ideas about St. Patrick’s Day and then look at some teaching points we could associate with each.

St. Patrick’s Day is correctly associated with Ireland, but St. Patrick himself was not Irish, but British. He might not have even been officially declared a saint. Even so, historians believe he was born around 389 AD near Wales and given the name of Maewyn Succat. Like Daniel and Joseph of the Bible, he was captured and sold into slavery when he was only teenager (16 years old). Life was difficult for slaves. Not only was life difficult, but he was dragged from his home and sent into slavery in another country without his family. Tradition says that as a slave in Ireland he was forced to be a shepherd, herding sheep and pigs. His father had been a church deacon, and his grandfather a clergyman, but by his account Maewyn only turned to religion and prayed out to God when he was in captivity. After six years as a slave he escaped by boat to Britain. He traveled the 200 miles to the ocean and according to some stories either stowed away or booked passage. The boat landed not far from where his parents lived, and one would expect a joyful reunion and for him to remain with his parents. But instead of staying with his family, he traveled to France to study and become a priest. While studying for ministry, he received a vision from God to return to Ireland as a missionary. He only took the name Patrick when he later became a Bishop. It was a great act of forgiveness that he returned to the people who enslaved him in order to share with them the love of Christ. Because of his ministry in Ireland he brought not only Christianity to the whole country, but also an end to slavery. In the same way, through God’s forgiveness and sending of Christ to us we also experience his love and are delivered from our slavery to sin.

Teaching Point
If you were captured and put into slavery as a teenager, do you think you might feel called to return to those who enslaved you and work for the salvation of their souls? Is forgiveness easy or difficult? Why is forgiveness an important concept to Christians?

Four Leaf Clover
A four-leaf clover is said to be good luck, but in a tradition written 1000 years after St. Patrick’s death, a three-leafed shamrock was originally associated with St. Patrick’s day. This is because St. Patrick supposedly used a similar plant to explain the idea of the Trinity. He explained that like a three leafed shamrock, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could exist as three parts of a single entity. Forever associated with this simple illustration, the Irish adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on St. Patrick’s day in their celebrations and feasts.

Teaching Point
1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

A Pot of Gold at the End of a Rainbow
When you see a rainbow associated with St. Patrick’s Day, it is because there is supposed to be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. According to Irish fairy tales the pot of gold is guarded by a Leprechaun – a short little old man, who lived alone and worked as a shoemaker. You could supposedly find him by the sound of his hammer as he made shoes, and if you managed to catch him you could force him to reveal the location of his treasure of Gold. But leprechauns were clever and if he tricked you to take your eyes off him for even a second he vanished.

Teaching Point
The rainbow in the Bible doesn’t lead us to a pot of Gold, but was intended to lead us to God. For the Christian, our “Pot of Gold” lies in heaven, in eternity with God because of Jesus. Earthly treasures are fleeting and incomparable to the joy of knowing Christ. (Ecclesiastes 5:19-20; Matthew 6:19-21) We can find the original significance of the rainbow in Genesis 9:12-14 “And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.”

“Luck of the Irish” is a common saying. Patrick tells how his life was at risk, and how he was sometimes imprisoned by the local pagan chiefs. But it wasn’t luck that carried him through, but God. (And maybe some of the gifts he supposedly gave to the chiefs.)

Teaching Point
Biblically it is not luck that determines our lives, but God. It is not luck that brings us blessings, but God. And those blessings might be here on earth or in the next life. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” So God works things, good and bad, for his purpose.

St Patrick drives the snakes out of Ireland
One tradition says that St. Patrick preached a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland. It’s highly unlikely there ever were any snakes in Ireland after the last ice age. Being cold blooded reptiles, they would not have survived the cold. But the tradition is more likely to refer to the snake, not as a creature, but as a symbol of evil. In that sense it may refer to his bringing of Christianity to Ireland and his life’s mission to get rid of pagan influences in the country. The tradition might also be related to his lighting of a fire on the hill of Signe on the Eve of Easter to challenge a pagan ritual that forbid the lighting of any fires until the king’s fire had been started first.

Teaching Point
St. Patrick was quite successful at evangelism and traveled the length of Ireland setting up schools, churches and monasteries. In response, the Celtic druids apparently managed to stir up enough trouble to get him arrested several times. Each time he escaped, and after 30 years he was quite instrumental in converting much of Ireland to Christianity.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Creative Youth ideas: 1700+ Resources for youth leaders, pastors, ministers to help plan camps, retreats, and meetings using games, illustrations, Children's Worship, Bible Studies, object lessons, sermons, creative ideas,creative activities