
You’ll need a Bible and five large bags of candy.

Take five students away from the rest of the group, and explain to them how the game works. For smaller classes you might have only two or three assistants. Be sure that the other kids cannot hear your instructions to the five. Tell each of them you are going to give them bags of candy to share with the other students. There’s only one catch: They can give candy only to the boys, or only to the girls, or only to kids with black tennis shoes. (The idea is to pick something that will eliminate at least half of the kids.) Remind kids not to tell the others why some kids are getting candy and others aren’t. Warn kids to only give candy to those in the designated group, even if the other kids beg.

After giving the first five their instructions, tell the rest of the group: In a moment, I’m going to let the five kids back into the room. When they come in, they’ll have some candy to share. You can ask, bribe, and beg them for it, but do not take it from them. You may or may not get some candy. If you figure out what the requirement is for getting candy, you’ll be entitled to a double portion.

Call the first five kids back into the room. Allow them time to circulate through the group handing out candy to the chosen few. When they have completed their task, you can play the game again if you wish, picking five new kids to pass out cancly. During this round, pick a ciifferent category of kids to give candy to. For example, you may choose those who have buttons on their shirts, those who are wearing white T-shirts, or those with long sleeves, etc.

* What was it like to be one who received candy?
* What was it like to be left out or passed over?
* Did anyone figure out why he or she did not get candy?
* Are you nicer to some people because of the way they look, or do you ignore others because they appear to be different?
* What makes you treat some people differently than others?
* Do others treat you different because you are a Christian?
* Do others treat you badly, or make fun of you as a Christian?
* How can today’s passage help you dela with times of persecution?

Finish by passing out candy to everyone! Explain that while the world may persecute us and leave us out because of our Christianity, Christ promises a reward to all Christians. We can take Heart, because Christ has overcome the world.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Cast your troubles Away

Several sheets of paper or newsprint for each student. Tape

Ask students to write one thing they are troubled about on each sheet of paper. They can also write something that concerns them, worries them, or gives them difficulty. They might write “grades,” “family,” or “friends.” Anything that upsets or discourages them is acceptable. Tell them to NOT put their name on the paper or share it with anyone else. This is strictly between them and God.

While kids are writing, tape a line down the middle of the floor.

When each person has at least three to five things written, each on a separate page, have kids wad their pages up into a ball. Form two equal teams of participants. Have the teams face each other standing on opposite sides and approximately three feet (1 meter) from the tape line. If you have more than twenty kids, you might want to consider forming additional teams.

On your signal, they must throw all of their troubles onto the other team’s side while trying to keep that teams concerns off your side. The object is to get as many concerns as possible on the other team’s side before the time is up. Give them about 1 minute.

Part 2
When the time is up, put a large trash can in the middle of the room. This time, give them thirty seconds to work together to get all of the concerns into the trash can.

1. How was the way you treated your troubles in this game like or unlike the way kids really treat their troubles?
2. What happened when you dumped your troubles on each other?
3. What thoughts go through your mind when your friends dump troubles and problems on you?
4. What do you think about dumping your troubles on Christ?
5. How can you help your friends bring their troubles to Christ?
6. What are your thoughts about how Christ can help you with your troubles?
7. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus has overcome the world?

Gather around the trash can and ask for several people to pray that group members will be able to let go of their troubles. If you have a dumpster, you may hold a ceremonial trash dumping after the prayer.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Find an inflatable version of a globe. If you cannot find an inflatable globe, inflate a blue balloon and use a permanent marker to draw outlines of the continents. A globe that is beachball size would be wonderful.

With one of the above you can play a game of dodgeball. In a sense, dodgeball is a game of persecution. Sometimes people team up against others. They attack each other. People are left out. By using a globe or several globes as the dodgeball, you represent the attack of the world. Add additional globes to increase the pace of the game.

Did you feel like others teamed up against you?
Did you find the game stressful or relaxing?
How did it feel to be knocked out?
In what ways does the world team up on us as Christians?
Are there ways that Christians are left out?
How does Christ give us strength and peace during persecution and times of trouble.

There are numerous variations of dodgeball that can be played:

Partner Dodgeball
In this game, you link arms with a partner. If your partner is knocked out he can shield his partner from being hit. This has an addition point of application in that Jesus also shields us from attack and protects us during times of persecution.

Pick-up dodgeball
In this game, you must sit down if the ball touches you. But if a ball rolls by you, you can reach out and grab it. You are then able to stand and get back into the game again.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!


You’ll need chairs. Form a large circle with enough chairs so that everyone but one person has a place to sit. Pick one person to stand in the middle, and ask everyone else to take a seat.

The object of the game is for the person in the middle to pick a seated person and ask him or her a question. For example, a question might be, “Are you wearing purple socks?” the response determines what the whole group will do. If the answer to the question is “yes,” everyone must get up and move two chairs in either direction. When all the kids are on the move, the middle person will have an opportunity to get into a seat.

If the person answering the question responds “no,” he or she is required to add a second part to the question, such as “but I know some people here today didn’t brush their teeth this morning,” or “but someone here has visited Europe before.” If the second part of this statement is true about some of the seated kids, they must stand up and try to find other chairs. The person left standing without a chair is the one who must remain in the middle and ask the next ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question.

You can end the activity by asking a person if he or she is a Christian and discuss what effect being a Christian might have on others. Do we stand out in a crowd as Christians? Will others accuse us of things? Sometimes in life we are persecuted because we are Christians. But Christ said that although we may have troubles as Christians we do not need to worry because he has overcome the world.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

Peace in the turmoil

Use three balloons to understand the concept peace during times difficulty and persecution.

Begin with a deflated balloon in your hand. Tell the group you’re going to use it to help them understand peace. Inflate the balloon about half full. Sometimes troubles come into life and the tension builds as we give over a portion of our time, energy, and thought to deal with the situation. One way to deal with tense situations is to pray and trust God to work things out. Trusting God frees us for other things and we are back at peace again. But when we spend all our time and energy concentrating on difficulties things can gt more and more tense. Inflate the balloon fully and hold it in front of you. When we concentrate on the difficulties, our lives become more and more crowded and tense, until we finally burst (pop the balloon). Ask the kids for examples of things people become worried about.

Next, take a second balloon and inflate it less than half full. Hold it out in front of you and poke it with your finger, allowing the surface of the balloon to contract and expand. Explain that when trust God we’re more flexible and less sensitive to other pressures. Inflate the balloon fully and tell the kids that a life filled with pointless worry makes us less able to deal with other pressures that come our way, and can cause even small problems to explode emotionally (For added emphasis, make sure you take your time inflating the balloon and popping it.) Some of the kids will slightly dread the pop, exhibiting a form of worry. Ask the kids for examples of times when they or someone they know overreacted to some small irritation or pressure because they were already worried about something.

Finally, take a third balloon and tell the kids that some things happen in life that cause us a great deal of concern such as someone who is leaving for a long time, the death of a friend, or a divorce in the family. Explain that often during such times people are full of fear or anger or confusion. Inflate the balloon and ask the kids what they can do in a situation like that. Tell them that God has something to say about that situation, and about all the times when they’re tempted to worry.

Read or quote John 16:33. Assure them that God will help them deal with their worries and concerns and will give them his peace. Let the balloon go so that it flies round the room until it’s deflated.

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Ready for the Salvation of God

Several items from the list below. (This activity may also be done by drawing a simple picture of each object or showing a photo.)

Safety Belt – If you knew that you were going to be in a terrible car accident, you would be sure to wear your seat belt and make sure you were safe!

Steel Toed Boots – If you knew you were going to accidentally drop a brick on your foot you would wear protective shoes

Life vest – If you were going out in a boat on the sea and knew that the boat was going to sink you would be sure to wear your life vest so you did not drown.

Goggles – If you knew that some small pieces of metal were going to fly into your eyes, you would be happy to have googles to protect your eyes.

Bandage – If you knew that you were going to cut your finger you would be happy to have a bandage to stop the bleeding.

House – If you knew a hurricane was going to hit town today, you wouldn’t go to the beach for a swim; you’d shut yourself up in the sturdiest room in your house and be ready!

Hard Hat – If you knew a board was going to fall from above you would be happy to wear a hard hat to protect your head.

Boat – If you knew there was going to be a terrible flood, you would be happy to have a boat to excape the danger.

Hell – Light the match to show flames.

Reveal the cross – Salvation through Jesus is the way to escape the danger of hell and be ready for eternity!

If any of you knew that you were headed for danger, you would be sure to be ready. Explain to students how to be ready for eternity using your favorite Gospel Presentation.

Use this series of object lessons to remind youth that we need to be prepared for eternity. (Matthew 24:44)

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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God’s Salvation is for Ordinary People

A bag full of ‘ordinary’ things, chosen because they have nothing significant or special about them; AND Bible verses related to salvation inside a brown envelope at the bottom of the bag.

Tell the children you have brought along some things to show to them. Pick up your bag and bring out the items one by one, with a commentary going something like this:

“Here I have a mug. Well, it’s rather ordinary. There’s nothing much I can say about it. What’s next?”
“Here is an exercise book. It’s empty. Nothing special about it at all. Next comes a roll of sticky tape. Now why is that in the bag?”
And so on until the bag is empty except for the envelope.

When only the envelope is left in the bag. Take it out and see what is in it. The Bible does say some amazing things! Read out the verses in the envelope. Make sure you end with the following verse: 1 Corinthians 1:26-28

God deliberately chose ‘ordinary’ people-people who have nothing special or significant about them at all. Does anyone present feel they are rather ordinary? Perhaps they never win at games, or shine in class. Perhaps they never come top or first. These are exactly the sort of people God wants to be his own! He deliberately chose each person present. We don’t have to be rich, important or superstars to be special in God’s eyes. He loves and wants ordinary people like you and me!

Biblical Examples
Ruth – a foreigner
Jacob – Fought with God
David – Shepherd Boy
Disciples – Fisherman, tax collectors, etc.

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Creative Sermon Ideas
This 100 Page e-Book Includes All The Help You Need To Prepare Powerful, Life-Changing Youth Sermons That Will Turn Your Preaching Around And Make Your Youth Sit Up And Listen! Includes 7 Complete Sermons.
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Who Needs to be Saved?

Ask the kids if the following people need to be saved?
First, only say the first half… then after a dramatic pause, and perhaps some “no’s” from the audience, add the second half! (Works great drawing it on a whiteboard too!)

1. Guy swimming in the ocean?
(no?) add a shark!
2. Girl driving in car?
(no?) add a cliff for the road to drop off!
3. Man reading book on the sidewalk?
(no?) add Piano falling from a window!
4. Kid walking to school?
(no?) add teacher w/ Pop Quiz!
5. Youth tanning on the beach?
(no?) add a tidal wave!

X. Kid riding bike?
(no?) add the 10 Commandments and the Book of Life or add the verse of Romans 3:23

Draw the first half on the whiteboard… then draw the second half after your pause. The additional information changes everything! Or reveal the 1st half of a predrawn picture and then the later reveal the second half of the picture.

The Bible says that everyone needs to be saved – only most people do not realize it. They think they are “fine,” just like the man reading the book- he needs to look up and realize it isn’t just a clowdy day. People need to see the things in this world that show that there is more to it, and that they are indeed in need of being saved. (Romans 6:23)

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Various Fishing Lures/bait for different types of fish, fishing pole or net (no hooks for safety’s sake.)

A fishing line by itself won’t catch fish. Even a hook by itself isn’t going to ctach fish. Have youth try to identify the hook/bait to catch different types of fish. The youth that correctly matches the most lures with the fish they would attract is awarded a prize.

Have a fishing expert select some of the common fishing lures and explain how each is used. Some lures sink to the bottom where catfish and bottom dwelling fish can be found. Others such as a fly float on the surface. Some move through the water and have spinning parts and reflectors to attract the fish. Some look like worms while others look like shrimp or other live creatures the fish like to eat. Some people may not use lures but instead use live bait. Ask the fisherman to display and describe important equipment used in fishing such as fishing rods, waders, floats, weights, and hooks. After the fishing tour and demonstration have youth read Matthew 4:17-22 and then ask:
1) How is telling others about Jesus similar to fishing?
2) Fishing lures are created to be attractive to fish. How can you make the good news about Jesus attractive to your friends?

Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, “Come along with me and I will show you how to fish for the souls of men.” He was sending His disciples out to fish for men, rather than fish. Jesus wants each of us to go fishing with Him every day of our lives. We are to fish for people to bring to the Lord. We are to tell them how Jesus loved them so much that He died on the cross to forgive their sins. We must tell people how they can invite Jesus into their hearts to become their Savior. That way, we become fishers of men and helpers of Christ.

As a possible closing gesture, give each youth a fishing lure (in which the hooks have been removed for safety) and tape them to a card with a key phrase from the passage.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Drawing from the Source

Use a stalk of celery, freshly cut on one end. Place it in a glass half full of grape juice or red-dyed water. Note that the celery will soak up the color through it’s stem, thus changing the color of the celery. You can use several sticks of celery and place them in various colors of dyed water. If you use food coloring then the stick will still be edible for a snack but be in unusual colors. You can even make black or brown that could represent drawing from a bad source.

What determines what the celery will be like?
The plant, the roots of the plant, water, sun, circumstances, and drawing from the source what it needs all determine what the celery will be like. In the same way, the source from which we fulfill our needs, the Living Water in our lives, the SON, and circumstances all affect what we are like. How consistently we draw from our Source (abide) also affects us. (See John 15)


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Creative Youth ideas: 1700+ Resources for youth leaders, pastors, ministers to help plan camps, retreats, and meetings using games, illustrations, Children's Worship, Bible Studies, object lessons, sermons, creative ideas,creative activities