
Bring in a variety of items that may be unfamiliar to children. These items should have a special purpose and be useless apart from that purpose. Examples might be:

* the little wrench that is used to tighten a drill bit in a power drill – useless without the drill
* a jumper from a computer board – useless without the computer card
* a zipper from an old backpack – useless without the backpack
* Corkscrew – useless without a cork
* watch battery – useless without a watch
* can opener – useless without a can
* staples – useless apart from a stapler
* power cord – useless without an appliance
* monopoly or other game peices – useless without the game board
* eyeglass / sunglasses lense – useless without the frames
* telephone handset – useless without the telephone / phone line
* roll of film – useless without a camera
* cap from an ink pen – useless without the pen
* lid from a teacup – useless without the cup
* lock – useless without a key
* doorknob – useless without a door
* Pull ring from a soft drink
* etc.

You can also use car parts, adapters, components of power tools, parts of kitchen appliances, and various parts and peices of items found around your home.

Ask children to identify the purpose of each item. Award prizes to individuals for each item correctly guessed or to teams who correctly identify the most items. You may wish to number items for identification purposes.

Explain that each item has a very special purpose. It was created to fulfill a very specific task or need. While it might be used for other things, it has a very specific purpose. Apart from that purpose it is basically a piece of junk. According to Acts 28:30-31, the church was also created with a purpose. Apart from that purpose it is useless. The purpose of the church is to
1) Focus on Jesus;
2) Focus on the Kingdom of God;
3) Focus on Koinonia (fellowship).

Use this to discuss the idea that God created each of us with a purpose (1 Corinthians 12)

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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The Price is Right

Various objects from the store with the price tags on them.

Divide the class into several teams. Then display one of the items but with the price tag concealed. Each team must try to guess the price of the item without going over. The closest team to the actual price is rewarded a token, a one cent coin, or play money. Continue through all the items you have brought. Then have a package of candy or similar item that all the kids can share as a final reward. Allow kids to purchase the items using their tokens, coins, or play money. But set the prices impossibly high so that even if one team won all the tokens they still would not be able to get the final prize. When they have discovered it is impossible then give the prize to the class as a gift from you they can share.

The Bible says it is impossible for us to reach heaven by our own efforts, but God gives us the free gift. The cost is too high. It cost God his one and only Son. Yet God gives us salvation as a free gift. All we have to do is trust in him.

Add some items for the price guessing that are sentimental in value. You could use a package of baseball cards, a special pokemon monster which is rare, a rare “Star Wars” figure, a rare collectible, or even one of the “hello kitty” dolls from McDonalds or “Muppet Babies” which were such a hit. While these items had a set price, there are people willing to pay much more. This is because the wish to complete their collection or because of the rareness of an item. Baseball cards may be only worth about 20 cents each, but some baseball cards can be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars. They are just a picture on a piece of cardboard. Yet some people collect baseball cards and if they want a particular card, and there aren’t many of them, they may have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to get one. We can identify the worth of something by how much someone is willing to pay for it. Our salvation is priceless because we could not acheive it ourselves and because God gave that which was of greatest worth to him so that we could have salvation as a free gift. He gave us his life so that we might be saved.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Not by works

A toy bow and arrow set, a toy gun with darts that use suction to stick, or a darts set and target. You can get nerf targets and even velcro targets with velcro coated balls from Toys R Us or another toy store.

Demonstrate your skill at throwing the dart/ shooting the arrow without aiming at anything. Brag about how good of a shot you are. Then explain that no one really knows how good of a shot you are without a target. Bring out the target and have a competition between you and the kids.

Then place the target an impossible distance away so that it is impossible to hit the target and challenge anyone to hit it. Give them only one chance.

Explain that reaching the target is a bit like us trying to reach heaven. It is impossible for us because we are not perfect enough to hit the target. If we miss once, we are disqualified. If we tell one lie, say one hurtful word, do one thing wrong, then we miss. In the Bible the word for “sin” is the same word used in archery to describe the missing of the bullseye. It means “to miss the mark.”

Add a variety of carnival games for children and display gifts (candy?) for those that are successful. Some options:
* Toss a ring over a softdrink or water bottle (very small ring)
* Toss a coin on a saucer sitting on top of a cup (impossible distance)
* Throw a dart at a balloon (impossible distance)
* bounce a ping pong ball into a small glass (slightly bigger than the hole)
* toss a tennis ball to knock over all three cans (use heavy cans)
* toss a ball through a hole in the side of a box. (Hole is almost same size as ball)
* Use a straw and cotton swab as a dart to hit a peice of adhesive (sticky) paper or fly paper. (impossible distance)

After everyone has failed, reward all participants with the prizes. The Bible says it is impossible for us to reach heaven by our own efforts, but God gives us the free gift. All we have to do is trust in him. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Touch It

A large opaque cloth sack for each group of objects (a dark colored pillow case works fine), and a variety of objects that can be identified by touch. Alternatively you can get dark colored socks or even paper bags for smaller items.

Look through your house and collect a variety of objects. Some possible items you can use:

fruits– apple, orange, banana, grape, plum, nuts, rambutan, star fruit, lemon
office supplies– pencil, stapler, eraser, paperclip, pen, hole punch (avoid sharp items such as thumbtacks and scissors)
stuffed animals / beanie babies– Various stuffed animals you have around the house.
kitchen utensils– butter knife, spoon, fork, egg beater, spatula, ladle (Avoid sharp utensils)
tools– screwdriver, hammer, wrench, file, punch, plyers, level
small hardware– nails, bolts, nuts, washers, hooks, screw
money– various coins, various bank notes, credit cards
jewelry– ring, necklaec, brooch, tie-pin, earring
game pieces– monopoly tokens, poker chips, dominos, chess peice, dice, carrom seeds, marbles, jacks
toys– car, doll, marbles, miniatures
toiletries– soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo
nature– various leaves, stone, twig, flower, sand
sports– golf ball, ping pong ball, tennis ball, golf tee, soccer ball
computer– mouse, diskette, memory chip, keyboard
multimedia– vcr, audio, CD, MD disk, players, earphones
Dinner table items– cup, saucer, bowl, plate, pot, pan
Personal items– wallet, keys, ID card, belt, watch, glasses (use unbreakable ones)

For added significance, place physical items mentioned in a Biblical story you are going to discuss inside a bag on its own. (For Example you could place gardner’s tools and a vine and branches in a bag when you wish to discuss John 15.)

1. Place the categories of items in separate bags. Place one item that doesn’t match with the others. (i.e. place an apple in with office supplies) Have youth/children use touch to identify the item that doesn’t belong. Award bonus points for also getting the category correct.

Place all the items in a single bag. You should have 5-20 items depending on the age of your group and the appropriate difficulty. If you wish to expedite this activity you might prepare several bags of identical items. Without looking inside the bag, have kids touch the items in the bag and then go back and write down all the items. Award kids who get them all correct or the most correct. This can be done as a subsequent activity to the first.

Just as you identified by touch the presence of items that you could not see, we can identify the presence of God in the ways he touches our lives. Many times he uses other people to touch our lives. Even today, you may not see Jesus, but you know he is there and has other people to take care of you.

This document is a guide only. It contains general information and is not intended to represent a comprehensive checklist

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Sports Equipment

A variety of sports equipment. Possibilities include: (a baseball mitt, baseball, bat, and baseball cap), (soccerball, soccer shoe, shin guard), (golf club, golf ball, putter, golf tee), (table tennis table, ping-pong ball, racket, net), (basketball, basketball net), (chessboard, chess pieces), (Chinese chess pieces and board), (tennis ball, tennis racket), (croquet set), (swimming fins, goggles, swimsuit, skull cap), (bowling ball, shoes, and glove) and various balls and equipments from other sports. While using actual equipment will make the lesson more exciting, if you can’t obtain the different sports equipment you can write the names of the items on note cards.

Have children or youth group the items together. As a children’s sermon make believe you are playing the different sports, but use the wrong equipment. For a fun youth lesson, actually play a sport with the wrong equipment.)

While we may be able to play with the wrong equipment, we are NOT going to break any records. If I hit a basketball with a golf club it will take me forever to reach the hole and when I reach the hole the ball won’t fit! While some small items like a baseball cap may not make a difference, other equipment may be impossible to use for the wrong game. Imagine running a race in flippers. If you want to be successful and victorious you need to use the right equipment.

Solomon tried a lot of things in life. While some of them worked for a while, his relationship with God was the only thing that could let him be successful and victorious spiritually.

Alternate Application
Applied to Spiritual gifts, God gives us each gifts with a purpose. Like a piece of sports equipment, We each have our own role to play in this game called life. We are not all called to play the same game or even to use the same gifts and skills. If we try to serve God in ways for which we were not created or for which he did not intend for us to serve, we may be able to function, but we will be far from our potential in Christ.

Alternate Application
While some of the wrong equipment may work for a while, you won’t realise your true potential until you use the right equipment for the right task and are pursuing the right goal. For Paul, (Phil 3:12 – 16 ) there was only one goal that mattered. His relationship with God was the only thing that could let him be successful and victorious spiritually. We have to make sure that in life we are playing the right game and pursuing the right goals.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Get "Destined to Win" Youth Bible Study SeriesDestined to Win
Need a Youth Camp/ Bible Study Series onĀ “Running the Christian Race”?

Our “Destined to Win” series is a great follow up for youth who are new Christians or to emphasize the basics of our spiritual Journey in the Faith. This Bible Study / Camp Curriculum / Small Group Study has a sports theme and is great for athletes and works well as a tie in to the Olympics.
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Human Spell It

List of single word questions or scripture verses missing a single word. Ensure that the words are not longer than the number of people on a team.

The next time you have a Bible quiz or scripture memory, make kids answer the question or supply the missing word in the scripture by spelling it out using their hands, arms, legs and body. Each person becomes ones letter. The first team to line up and correctly spell out the answer as a team gets the points for that question. Continue until all questions are completed.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

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Touch Relay

A coin to be flipped by an impartial participant.

Divide the group into 2 even teams. Have teams sit on the floor facing. Members from each team must hold the hands of the team-mates next to them, preferably behind their backs so that the other team cannot see them. At the end of the line, place a spoon on the floor between the last two people. On the other end, you need an impartial person (you or a volunteer) to flip a coin. Everyone except the two people at the beginning of each line must close their eyes, or sit facing out and all must be silent.

When the coin is flipped, if it is heads, the people at the beginning of each row squeeze the hand of the person next to them, who then squeezes the hand of the person next to them, and so on. When the squeeze gets to the end, the last person can open their eyes and grab the spoon. The team that grabs the spoon first sends the person from the end of their line to the beginning and everyone shifts down one. The object is to be the first team to rotate all the way back to the starting position. If the coin is tails, nothing happens and you flip again. If the people at the beginning of the line squeeze on tails, they go to the end of the line (rotating backwards). They also go backwards if anyone on their team opens their eyes prematurely or makes any noise. It is helpful to have judges standing behind each team to watch for erroneous squeezes and to listen for noises.

While the line cannot see what the teacher is doing at the front, they can feel the touch of the person in front of them. One person squeezes the hand of the next until it reaches the end. Each person will in time be at the front of the line and the leader. In the same way God leads our lives. He must not touch us directly but through someone else. In time he may choose us as leaders to touch the life of another person.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Spell It

One set of scrabble letters for each team. Turn all letters face up so they can see them. Also provide a scrabble board for each team.

The next time you have a Bible quiz or scripture memory, make kids answer the question or supply the missing word by spelling it out using the scrabble letters on the scrabble board. When a team thinks they have correctly spelled out the answer on their scrabble board, have them raise their hands. Tell the youth to not shout out the answer because if the answer is mispelled they will give it away to another team. The first team to correctly spell out the answer gets the points for that question. Continue until all questions are completed.

Allow youth to choose the location on the board where they place the answer. Use the bonuses to determine the value of the points awarded for that question.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

Who to go to?

1. Place the items below on index cards. You can then play matching games with them. Place the cards writing side down down in a grid. children turn over two cards. If the question matches with the occupation they get to keep those cards and try again. Otherwise they turn the cards back over and the next person tries to match two cards.

2. Make two sets of cards listing only the occupations. Divide the class into two teams and give each team one set. Call out the description and then the first team to bring you the card with the correct occupation gets a point. Award the team that gets the most points.

Who would you talk to if the teacher made a mistake marking your paper?

Who would you go to if you had a water pipe leaking?

Who would you go to if your electricity was not working?

Who would you go to if someone robbed you?

Who would you contact if you saw your house on fire?

Who would you talk to if you were feeling very sad?

Who would you talk to if you wanted something to eat?

Who would you go to if you needed a haircut?

Who would you go to if your wristwatch quit working?

Who would you go to if your dog was sick?

Who would you go to if your computer quit working?
Computer repairman

Who would you go to if your car engine wouldn’t start?

Who would you go to if you needed spiritual advice?

Who would you go to if your vision was getting blurred?

Who would you talk to if you need a reference book on animals?

Who would you talk to if your hearing was going bad?

Who would you talk to if you had a heart problem?

Who would you talk to for legal advice?

Who would you talk to if you needed medicine?

Who would you talk to if you had a toothache?

Who would you go to in order to have your sin cleansed?

A teacher may give us bad marks, but we can learn from our mistakes. A mechanic may take the car completely apart, but when he puts it back together it works. A dentist may pull a tooth, but he makes room for a new tooth. Sometimes the solutions to problems are very difficult or even painful. Also discuss the idea that we had a sin problem and as such need Jesus.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Modeling Clay.

Make several objects from modeling clay. You might choose to mold objects that were used in the trials and crucifixion of Christ:
– a basin (used by Pilate to wash his hands)
– a crown of thorns
– a robe
– a whip
– a pair of dice (used by the soldiers to cast lots)
– a sword (used by Peter to defend Christ)
– A tassel from a robe (worn by Pharisees), etc.

Explain the significance of each item, then take these same items and combine the clay together and form a cross from them.

Explain that like the clay, Jesus was placed under incredible pressure and pain. God allowed it that we might be saved from our sins. Only a perfect sacrifice could atone for our sins. Jesus was that lamb without blemish sacrificed on our behalf.

Explain that in order for the cross to be made you had to crush down and apply pressure to the previous items. They lost their identity, but became part of the cross. The same is sometimes true in our lives. It may seem that we are under pressure and crushed, but then our identity is found in the Cross as we identify with Christ. We may wonder why God is allowing these things to happen, but he allows it and is there with us to mold us into something he can use.

For older kids, you might have children mold a piece of the clay into an object that represents how God can use them. It might be a pencil to write a friend about Christ, a microphone to tell a person about Christ, etc.

Simply use the above objects and others from the event to illustrate the events as you tell the story of Christ’s Cruxifixion. You might also bring in all the items and ask children to identify how each fits into the story of the trial and crucifixion.

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Games and Activities in celebration of Easter.

Get more than 80 creative ideas for planning a Youth Easter celebration or Easter Party. You can immediately download my best Easter Icebreakers, games, illustrations, Easter activity ideas AND MUCH MORE in a useful ebook!

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Creative Youth ideas: 1700+ Resources for youth leaders, pastors, ministers to help plan camps, retreats, and meetings using games, illustrations, Children's Worship, Bible Studies, object lessons, sermons, creative ideas,creative activities