Christmas Tinsel Relay

A box of Christmas tree tinsel

Divide the group into pairs and give each pair a piece of tinsel. One person in each pair holds the piece above the other’s head. On the signal to begin, the person with the tinsel drops the piece of tinsel, and must pick it up if it hits the floor. It is the job of the other partner in each pair to blow air at the tinsel, always keeping it above the floor while moving it across the room. No hands allowed. After the pair crosses the room, they switch places and blow the piece of tinsel back to the starting point. First team to have all members complete the relay wins.

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Christ Has Come, the Light of the World

christmas_candle.jpg“Christ has come, the Light of the world. Long ages may yet elapse before

His beams have reduced the world to order and beauty, and clothed a
purified humanity with light as with a garment. But He has come:

The Revealer of the snares and chasms that lurk in darkness,
The Rebuker of every evil thing that prowls by night,
The Stiller of the storm-winds of passion,
The Quickener of all that is wholesome,
The Adorner of all that is beautiful,
The Reconciler of contradictions, The Harmonizer of discords,
The Healer of diseases, The Savior from sin.

He has come:

The Torch of Truth, the Anchor of Hope, the Pillar of Faith,
The Rock for strength, the Refuge for security,
The Fountain for refreshment, the Vine for gladness,
The Rose for beauty, The Lamb for tenderness,
The Friend for counsel, the Brother for love.

Jesus has trod the world.
The trace of the Divine footsteps will never be obliterated.”

Author: Peter Bayne- “The Treasure Chest”

He Knows My Name

“The minute I saw the book I started dreaming. When Dr. Billy Graham’s autogiography, ‘Just as I am’ was published, I longed to give a leather-bound copy to my friend Ney Bailey. Ney had trusted the Lord with Dr. Graham during the 1951 Shreveport, Louisiana, Crusade. Not just her spiritual father, Dr. Graham is also one of her heroes in the faith. I could think of nothing more delightful than for her to receive a copy of his book, personally inscribed by him to her.

So my quest began. I wanted it for a Christmas present, and I went after it like Indiana Jones pursued the lost ark. First I wrote Zondervan Publishing to obtain a leather-bound edition. Then I called Dr. Graham’s office. The book came quickly, but I received no response to my call for an autograph. I wrote a letter explaining how desperate I felt and how important this was. Four months passed. Nothing! I wrote again. Finally, a very sweet letter of apology came, advising me there would be no autograph due to Billy Graham’s ill health and his busy schedule. The unsigned book was enclosed. I was crushed. Tempted to give up, I kept thinking, it’s not over till it’s over. And, Lord, it ain’t over!

Less than a week later, I was having lunch with friends. We were engaged in enjoyable conversation about nothing in particular when Sheila Walsh casually mentioned her friend Ruth Graham. Ruth Graham? I thought. As in…Billy Graham? I was quiet, but my heart raced. Maybe my friend Sheila could lead me to the Holy Grail. Ahem,
Sheila,” I said casually, “not to change the subject, but how well do you know Ruth Graham?” Sheila popped back in her Scottish brogue, “She’s one of my best friends. I’m nuts about ‘er.”

I took a deep breath, trying to contain my excitement. Then I explained the whole thing to Sheila. “Give me the book,” she said, “I’ll see wha’ I cun do.” She went right to work on it, sending the book with a personal note to
Billy Graham. I prayed.

Three weeks passed. Nothing! Then…just before I was to be with Ney for Christmas, Sheila called, yelling into the phone, “Luci, the book came. It’s wonderful. Listen to what he said…” It was incredible. Sheila cried. I cried. And everybody who had been praying cried. But nobody cried like Ney. When Christmas morning came and she unwrapped that book, the tears began. They continued as she read aloud:

“To Ney Bailey,
God bless you always.
Billy Graham.
Philippians 1:6”

Ney exclaimed, “He knows my name! He knows my name!” It was an enormously gratifying moment worth all the waiting. Philippians 1:6 says, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” That was such a reality to us that day. God had begun his work in Ney’s young heart in the Shreveport stadium years ago. Through the years, he had been faithful to continue. Ney had grown. And been used by him to lead thousands to Christ.

I was reminded through the whole scenario with the book that God is interested in the tiniest things in the world. He cares about us and what we consider important. He gives us the desires of our hearts. He completes what he begins. He knows us by name.”

Author: Luci Swindoll “OverJoyed” (Zondervan, 1999)

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A Christmas Story

A Mr. & Mrs. Wallaby took a vacation in Switzerland for their 10th wedding anniversary. While there they had the misfortune of hiring a tour guide by the name of Olif who was a vocal proponent for communism. Olif had a particular distaste for American Tourists, and took every opportunity to express his distaste by his haughty attitude, condescending words and even abusive language. Olif however did have excellent knowledge of the area and it’s history, and since the Wallaby’s had been forced to pay up-front, they decided to endure Olif’s abrasive behavior.

After three days of non-subtle needling by Olif, things came to a head when Mrs. Wallaby felt a some precipitation on her arm and remarked “Oh, it’s snowing!”

“Stupid American woman!” Olif retorted, “It’s quite obviously rain!”

“See here you arrogant, stuck-up pig,” said a red-faced Mr. Wallaby, who had had quite enough and was losing his temper, “You take that back, and I mean right now!”

Olif, who had been hoping and waiting for a chance to come to blows, began to roll-up his sleeves and with a scowl on his face challenged Mr. Wallaby, a smaller and significantly older man, to do something about it.

Concerned for her husband, Mrs. Wallaby stepped in front of Mr. Wallaby, who seemed foolishly ready to enter in to battle. Hoping to reduce the tension, she said, “Rude Olif, the red, knows rain, Dear!”

Author: Scott Butler
Source: Email circulating on the internet

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20 Ways To Confuse Santa Claus

christmas_santa_face.jpgInstead of milk and cookies, leave him a salad, and a note explaining that you think he could stand to lose a few pounds.

While he’s in the house, go find his sleigh and write him a speeding ticket.

Leave him a note, explaining that you’ve gone away for the holidays. Ask if he would mind watering your plants.

While he’s in the house, replace all his reindeer with exact replicas. Then wait and see what happens when he tries to get them to fly.

Keep an angry bull in your living room. If you think a bull goes crazy when he sees a little red cape, wait until he sees that big, red Santa suit!

Build an army of mean-looking snowmen on the roof, holding signs that say “We hate Christmas,” and “Go away Santa.”

Leave a note by the telephone, telling Santa that Mrs. Claus called and wanted to remind him to pick up some milk and a loaf of bread on his way home.

Throw a surprise party for Santa when he comes down the chimney. Refuse to let him leave until everyone else arrives.

While he’s in the house, find the sleigh and sit in it. As soon as he comes back and sees you, tell him that he shouldn’t have missed that last payment, and take off.

Leave a plate filled with cookies and a glass of milk out, with a note that says, “For The Tooth Fairy.” Leave another plate out with half a stale cookie and a few drops of skim milk in a dirty glass with a note that says, “For Santa.”

Take everything out of your house as if it’s just been robbed. When Santa arrives, show up dressed like a policeman and say, “Well, well. They always return to the scene of the crime.”

Leave out a copy of your Christmas list with last-minute changes and corrections.

While he’s in the house, cover the top of the chimney with barbed wire.

Leave lots of hunting trophies and guns out where Santa’s sure to see them. Go outside, yell, “Ooh! Look! A deer! And he’s got a red nose!” and fire a gun.

Leave Santa a note, explaining that you’ve moved. Include a map with unclear and hard-to-read directions to your new house.

Set a bear trap at the bottom of the chimney. Wait for Santa to get caught in it, and then explain that you’re sorry, but from a distance, he looked like a bear.

Leave out a Santa suit, with a dry-cleaning bill.

Paint “hoof-prints” all over your face and clothes. While he’s in the house, go out on the roof. When he comes back up, act like you’ve been “trampled.” Threaten to sue.

Instead of ornaments, decorate your tree with Easter eggs.

Dress up like the Easter Bunny. Wait for Santa to come and then say, “This neighborhood ain’t big enough for the both of us.”

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PC Christmas Wishes

christmas_gift_gold.jpgBest wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all;


A fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 1999, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of the other cultures whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regard to age, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, disability, or political affiliation.

(Disclaimer: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for him/herself or others and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may bring to those not caught up in the holiday spirit.)

Source Unknown

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Christmas Taboo


1. Taboo Words List. The Taboo word, in all caps is the word that the teams will try to guess. Also included are are five supporting words that the clue giver is not allowed to say. Print them out and then cut them apart and place them in a bag for participants to draw from.
2. Timer. It can be an hourglass from a board game, or simply an egg timer that you can set for a minute and let it go.

Game Objective
The point of the game is to have your teammates guess the word that is on your card without saying the word itself, or several other key words that are listed on the card.

Game Play
1. Split the youth into at least two teams.
2. One person on each team gives the clues to a person on THEIR OWN team who tries to guess the “taboo word” within a time limit.
3. The other team must be shown the card and insure that the clue giver doesn’t say either the “taboo word” or any form of the supporting words for that clue. (e.g. If ‘Christian’ is a supporting word, to use the word ‘Christianity’ is also a violation.) If the clue giver uses one of the “taboo” words, the opposing team gets a point. If the person guessing the word doesn’t guess the word within the time limit, the opposing team gets the point.
4. If the word is correctly guessed the team guessing the word gets the point and continues to draw cards until the time elapses.
5. When the time elapses, the timer is reset and it’s the opposing team’s turn to guess words.

The Words
ADVENT: Christmas, holiday, December, date, celebrate
ANGEL: Sky, Heaven, Gabriel, wings, halo
BETHLEHEM: born, city, stable, birth, place
BIBLE: scriptures, read, testament, book, God
BELLS: ring, metal, cup, sleigh, jingle
CANDY: stocking, cane, chocolate, sweet, dessert
CANDLE: light, burn, wick, wax, melt
CAROLS: songs, sing, house, knock, music
CHRIST: Jesus, Lord, Redeemer, Savior, baby
CHRISTMAS TREE: lights, ornaments, star, decorate, evergreen
CHRISTMAS: tree, Santa Claus, holiday, December, 25
CHRISTMAS EVE: 24, night, presents, Santa, evening
CHURCH: Christian, service, mass, worship, sunday
DECEMBER: cold, Christmas, winter, Hannukah, month
ELVES: Santa, helpers, toys, workshop, small
EGG NOG: drink, milk, rum, glass, celebrate
FRANKINCENCE: wisemen, magi, gift, myrrh, gold
GABRIEL: Angel, Mary, visit, messenger, birth
GENEALOGY: ancestor, family, tree, relative, Luke
GIFTS: presents, surprises, give, Christmas, children
GINGERBREAD: man, cookie, sweet, house, dough
GOLD: wisemen, gift, frankincense, myrrh, metal
HALLELUJAH CHORUS: song, sing, praise, worship, Handel
HEROD: king, wisemen, Magi, ruler, baby
HOLLY: Plant, red, berries, green, leaves
INN: hotel, room, stay, stable, innkeeper
IMMANUEL: name, Jesus, God, Christ, baby
JESUS: baby, manger, Mary, God, Savior
JOSEPH: Jesus, father, carpenter, Mary, betrothed
JOY: feeling, emotion, happiness, delight, tidings
MANGER: Jesus, stable, hay, baby, animals
MARY: mother, Joseph, Jesus, Bethlehem, baby
MISTLETOE: Kiss, tree, plant, tree, berries
NATIVITY: manger, animals, shepherd, baby, Jesus
NAZARETH: Christ, Jesus, Joseph, city, childhood
NORTH POLE: Santa, home, elves, snow, cold
NUTCRACKER: nuts, suite, dance, music, ballet
ORNAMENT: tree, decorate, round, branch, Christmas
PEACE: war, calm, still, hate, earth
PLUM PUDDING: plum, dessert, Christmas, baked, food
POINSETTIA: Christmas, flower, red, leaf, Mexico
REINDEER: Rudolph, sleigh, Santa, red-nosed, antlers
SANTA: sleigh, reindeer, Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, toys
SAVIOR: born, city, David, Christ, Jesus
SHEEP: shepherd, wool, lamb, flocks, field
SHEPHERD: field, flocks, sheep, angels, Bethlehem
SLEIGH: ride, Santa, reindeer, toys, fly
SNOW: cold, frozen, flakes, winter, white
SNOWMAN: Frosty, ice, snow, water, round
STABLE: inn, innkeeper, room, barn, animals
STAR: wisemen, sky, night, moon, heavens
STOCKING: hung, chimney, fruit, gifts, candy
SWADDLING: clothes, wrapping, cloth, material, baby
TAX: Joseph, pay, government, city, journey
TOYS: Santa, elves, Christmas, children, gifts
WINTER: season, cold, snow, Christmas, December
WISEMEN: star, gifts, gold, frankincense, myrrh
WREATH: green, round, ribbon, circle, decoration

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Find Jesus


The Wisemen are looking for Jesus.
1. Everyone sits in a circle. 1-3 participants (depending on the size of the group are chosen as wisemen and asked to leave the room. While they are away, one person is chosen to be “Jesus.” The person chosen as “Jesus” will secretly wink at others in the circle. His objective is to not get caught by the wisemen. Anyone in the circle who sees that they have been winked at by “Jesus” sings the first line of a Christmas Carol and continues to play. (Alternatively they can shout, “Behold, I bring you tidings of great joy!”

The wisemen are then called back into the room and asked to find “Jesus.” Once the wisemen are able to identify “Jesus”, start the game again with a new set of wisemen and a new “Jesus.”

This game is a great lead in to the story of the wisemen.

Variation 1
Add a Herod. Herod, like the wisemen is trying to find Jesus. But if Herod finds “Jesus” first everyone loses.

Variation 2
Rudolph is waiting for Santa so that all the presents can be delivered. Rudolph needs to find Santa. One participant is selected to be Rudolph and leaves the room while Santa is selected from those remaining. Once Rudolph returns Santa begins to secretly wink at people in the circle. If a person is winked at the let out a loud, “HO! HO! HO! –Merry Christmas. Once Rudolph identifies Santa, start again with a new Santa and a new Rudolph.

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Would You Like to Hold Him?

christmas_shepherds.jpgIt doesn’t say it in the Bible, but can’t you picture those dirty shepherds, smelling like sheep coming to the manger that night to adore and worship with child. Then Mary says, “Would you like to hold him?” They say, “No that is okay, we are not really cleaned up.”

To that Mary says, “You yourself said ‘He is the Savior born to you, who is Christ the Lord,’ draw him close to your heart, touch him. He has come for you.”

No wonder they returned, glorifying and praising God, for the God that was far away, came to touch them, to dwell with them. You see, shepherds at the time of Jesus were scorned as shiftless, dishonest people who grazed their flocks on others’ lands. These were the outcasts, and God came to them to tell them of his coming.

While we don’t know for certain how the shepherds looked or smelled when they came to Christ, we do know that the announcement wasn’t made to the rich and famous, but to the poor and lowly. There’s a place for everyone at the foot of Christ. Gather around the manger. Smell the hay. Don’t worry about getting cleaned up. That’s why he came. You can’t get cleaned up. Just come as you are. Come let us adore him. Christ came so that your sins, your life, might be cleaned as white as snow. Come. Let us worship him!

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

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If Jesus Were Born Today

christmas_nativity2.jpgChild advocates would remove the child from the custody of his mother when they discovered she was shacking with a guy (not the child’s father) in a barn. In most jurisdictions that would constitute child neglect. Of course, Mary would have an underpaid court appointed attorney to represent her in the dependent-neglect proceeding, and Joseph would be out of luck once it was determined that paternity could not be established within a reasonable degree of medical certainty through blood or DNA testing (97% probablilty that Joe was the dad is sufficient, but absent divine intervention, that couldn’t happen, hmmm?). He would be excluded from juvenile court as a stranger to the proceeding and investigated for possible sexual deviance (all those oxen and asses around), and he would be told that he had no standing to object since he was not the natural father of the child and was not yet married to Mary (by their own admissions they had not yet consummated their union).

The Division of Children and Familly Services would ask the court to order Mary to take parenting classes, and the Court would order that homemaker services be provided as well, since obviously Mary can’t keep house properly (the place where the DHS workers forund the child was kept remarkably like a barn). Mary would be allowed to have one visit with Jesus per week at the Centers for Youth and Families. The visit would be one hour long, and supervised by a therapist since Jesus would no doubt be put in therapeutic foster care to prevent psychological damage resulting from the horrible lack of civilization to which he had been exposed at such a tender age.

At the eighteen month dispositional hearing, the court would consider terminating parental rights because of Mary’s refusal to bring a paternity suit against Jesus’ true biological father (or even to identify him to the satisfaction of the Court). The Court would be appalled at the life choices Mary would have made: she would have completed her marriage to Joseph (that suspected sexual deviant) and had more children by him, which was obviously contrary to Jesus’ best interest.

Since Mary and Joseph had fled the jurisdiction with Jesus once to escape encounters with the authorities, they would determine that Mary and Joe had nefarious plans to abscond with the Ward of the State to Egypt again, where they would possibly engage in dangerous and illegal activities with him. Parental rights would be terminated, and Jesus would be put up for adoption.

He would be adopted by the Herods, a well-connected and politically powerful family, who have been searching for just such a child as Jesus. Of course, Jesus will die in the custody of his adoptive family, because that’s all they wanted him for in the first place. Social services will NOT have intervened prior to his death because the state social workers could never imagine someone as highly placed as the Herods exploiting children or torturing them to death. The political ramifications for the Herods would have been too severe. In all likelihood, the social service agencies would cover up the death as one occurring from accident, and Herod’s good name will be preserved.

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