Christmas Alphabet Game

The answers follow the letters of the alphabet from A to Z with the answer to #1 starting with an A and #26 starting with a Z.

1. The first witnesses to the miracle of Christmas
2. Heard in churches on Christmas day
3. Used in both decoration and illumination
4. What little girls may like to find under the tree
5. What we all do too often at Christmas
6. Where the stockings should be hung
7. What everyone should have for everyone else
8. Traditional Christmas decoration
9. We like real ones outside and artificial ones on the tree
10.Santa is supposed to be this
11.What a German child calls Santa Claus
12. Christmas parcels, when mailed. should always be
13. Girls like to stand under it
14. They get cracked during the Christmas baking
15. We gather around it to sing carols
16. St. Nick carries it
17. When kids are waiting for Santa they are
18. There are supposed to be eight of them
19. The old guy himself 20. The main course at dinner
21. At Christmas, it’s a lucky child who has a rich
22. Beside turkey, we like a variety of
23. We hang it on the front door
24. Abbreviation for Christmas
25. In England, they always brought one home for Christmas
26. The way some folks walk after an overdose of Christmas spirits

1. angels 2. bells 3. candles 4. doll 5. eat 6. fireplace 7. gift 8. holly 9. icicle
10. jolly 11. Kris Kringle 12. labeled 13. mistletoe 14. nuts 15. organ 16. pack
17. quiet 18. reindeer 19. Santa 20. turkey 21. uncle 22. vegetables
23. wreath 24. Xmas 25. yule log 26. zigzag

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Christ Was Born for All People


A string Christmas lights (enough so that each young person can receive a light bulb). On most light sets, if one bulb is removed the circuit will be broken and none of them will work.

One by one, have each young person place his or her light bulb in the string and share one special thing about himself or herself. This could be a feeling about the Christmas season, or a feeling about being a part of the youth group. When everyone’s bulb is in place, the string will light up.

All of the bulbs have to be in place for the lights to shine forth with their beauty!
Everyone is important in the body of Christ. Christ was born as a gift to everyone.

Decorate a Christmas tree with strings of popcorn and cranberries. Supply construction paper, glitter, glue, markers and magazines. Have the kids each make an ornament that describes themselves. For example, they could use glitter and glue to write their name and cut out magazine pictures such as jogging shoes, books, puppies and food. Make hangers for the ornaments out of pipe cleaners.

Follow up this lesson with an affirmation idea. Give each person 10 pieces of peppermint candy. Instruct the group members to mingle and give a piece of candy to 10 different individuals, telling them what they appreciate about them. Tell the students to continue until all of candy has been distributed.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”
200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.
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Blind Snowman

1. Sheet of Paper for each participant
2. Pencil for each participant

Game Play
Give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil. Explain to them that they will close their eyes and you will tell them what to draw. DON’T tell them they’re drawing a snowman!

1. Draw 3 circles on top of each other. Each circle gets smaller from bottom to top.
2. In the middle circle draw three buttons going vertically down the center.
3. In the top circle draw two eyes, a carrot nose, and a mouth.
4. Draw a hat on top of the smallest circle.
5. Draw stick arms on both sides of the middle circle.
6. Draw a broom in one stick hand.

5 points for each circle that touches the other.
5 points for the hat touching the head
3 points each for the eyes being in the top circle
5 points for the nose in the right circle
4 points for the mouth in the right circle
5 points each for each arm correctly placed
10 points for the broom stick touch the hand.

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Praise God for Christmas

christmas_nativity.jpgPraise Him for the incarnation,
for the word made flesh.
I will not sing of shepherds
watching flocks on frosty nights,
or angel choristers.
I will not sing of a stable bare in Bethlehem,
or lowing oxen,
wise men trailing star with gold,
frankincense, and myrrh.
Tonight I will sing praise to the Father
who stood on heaven’s threshold
and said farewell to his Son
as he stepped across the stars
to Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
And I will sing praise to the infinite, eternal Son,
who became most finite, a baby
who would one day be executed for my crime.
Praise him in the heavens,
Praise him in the stable,
Praise him in my heart.

Author: Joseph Bayly

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

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Toothless Christmas

Recording of the Song: “All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth”

Game Objective
Don’t Laugh!

Play this game while listening to the song:”All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth”

Game Play
1. Everyone sits in a circle.
2. From this point forward, you may not show your teeth.
3. To speak, you must pull your lips inward around your teeth to hide them.
4. A question is started, related to the Christmas holiday. For example, “Would you like some socks for Christmas?”
5. The person asked then replies “I don’t know I’ll have to ask my neighbor.” He then asks the neighbor the same question without showing his teeth.
6. This keeps going around the circle.
7. When someone’s teeth show due to laughter, he or she is out. Once it goes all the way around the circle, the next person gets to change the question. Smiling is permitted provided the teeth don’t show.
8. The choice of questions can be a source of laughter so question choice is important.
9. When asking or answering, contorting the facial muscles may be used to try to make the person next to you laugh.
10. If a question is vulgar or suggestive, the person is removed from the game.

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Santa Dress Up


Use deflated balloons, colored tissue papers, garbage bags, toilet paper, shaving cream and anything else available.

Game Play
1. Each team chooses a representative to dress as Santa using the materials provided..
2. The best dressed Santa wins.

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

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Can This Be Christmas?

What’s all this hectic rush and worry?
Where go these crowds who run and curry?
Why all the lights — the Christmas trees?
The jolly “fat man,” tell me please!
Why, don’t you know? This is the day
For parties and for fun and play;
Why this is Christmas! So this is Christmas, do you say?
But where is Christ this Christmas day?
Has He been lost among the throng?
His voice drowned out by empty song?
No. He’s not here — you’ll find Him where
Some humble soul now kneels in prayer,
Who knows the Christ of Christmas.
But see the many aimless thousands
Who gather on this Christmas Day,
Whose hearts have never yet been opened,
Or said to Him, “Come in to stay.”
In countless homes the candles burning,
In countless hearts expectant yearning
For gifts and presents, food and fun,
And laughter till the day is done.
But not a tear of grief or sorrow
For Him so poor He had to borrow
A crib, a colt, a boat, a bed
Where He could lay His weary head.
I’m tired of all this empty celebration,
Of feasting, drinking, recreation;
I’ll go instead to Calvary.
And there I’ll kneel with those who know
The meaning of that manger low,
And find the Christ — this Christmas.
I leap by faith across the years
To that great day when He appears
The second time, to rule and reign,
To end all sorrow, death, and pain.
In endless bliss we then shall dwell
With Him who saved our souls from hell,
And worship Christ — not Christmas!

Author: M. R. DeHaan, M.D. Founder, Radio Bible Class.

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

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King and Father

Read: Isaiah 9:6-7

When Isaiah spoke about government, he had in mind the person of a king. The king carried the burden of authority upon his shoulders as he ruled over a nation. Yet Isaiah used titles that we would not readily ascribe to kings. One of those titles was the Everlasting Father. What did he mean by it?

Another possible translation of the Everlasting Father is “a Father forever”. God is eternal but here Isaiah also says that God cares for his people constantly. What a beautiful and encouraging thought this is for us. Nothing can interrupt God’s love and care for us because the child was given for our salvation. Even those who are presently rejecting Jesus Christ, they can enjoy the love of God if they repent, change their minds and receive the gift of the Everlasting Father in his Son Jesus Christ.

The rule of the King is just and righteous. The law is given and upheld. No unrighteousness is over-looked. The life of Jesus Christ was the foretaste and the assurance of such reign. Jesus was loving and righteous at the same time. He enforced righteousness and offered love throughout his life here on earth. And he will do the same throughout eternity.

Remember then that Advent is not just about a glorious past event. The Everlasting Father has control over the present and the future filled with his loving care based on the justice of a holy God.

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Santa Beard Relay


Bowl of Cotton balls, something sticky like honey or vaseline.

Game Play
On one side of the room put a couple big bowls of cotton balls. Then have the participants line up coat thier own chins with vaseline or honey. The bolder they are the more they will cover. The objective of the game is to run to the other side of the room stick your face in the bowl of cotton so that it sticks and forms a Santa beard and then run back so the next person can go. The winning team is the one who has the most cotton balls in a specified period of time, or the first to empty the bowl.

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Games and Activities helping youth discover the Reason for the Season.

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Creative Youth ideas: 1700+ Resources for youth leaders, pastors, ministers to help plan camps, retreats, and meetings using games, illustrations, Children's Worship, Bible Studies, object lessons, sermons, creative ideas,creative activities