A Mentor is like a Book Editor

books.jpgWith our days and nights we are each writing the novel of our lives. Each story is unique and has unexpected twists, surprising story arcs and a supporting cast. Every chapter has themes and character development. While the Author of Life started the story, we will write our own endings by the choices we make and the paths we take.

A good mentor is like a book editor. He will help us “read between the lines” for the hidden messages. He will help us to look within the pages, beyond the words and the events to the meaning and foreshadow the plot that lies ahead.

The mentor does not write the book, but reveals the plotlines in the books we are writing. The work of the mentor is “not to create but to notice, not to invent, but to discern.”

Through mentoring we are helped to read our own lives with the delight of a novelist’s audience. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the company of your mentor as you write a best-seller! Don’t worry about the mistakes and the things you don’t understand. The ending has yet to be decided. Just keep writing.


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Creative Sermon Ideas
This 100 Page e-Book Includes All The Help You Need To Prepare Powerful, Life-Changing Youth Sermons That Will Turn Your Preaching Around And Make Your Youth Sit Up And Listen! Includes 7 Complete Sermons.
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The Master Called

The Master called my name one day because he needed someone to go.

I said “Lord, in my spare time, between school, spending time with my husband, working from 8 to 6, and trying to coordinate a program for my community to help our children do better, I will help you look”.

“See, I know I can’t go right now cause I have so much to do”.

He said, “Well where shall I find such a person? I thought I saw your name on my list of available people”.

“Well Lord, that was the prayer that I prayed last year, but since then, things have changed”.

He said “Like what?”

“Well I’m working on my Ph.D. and I’m needed by so many people and my husband is always wanting something done, and on top of that my community EXPECTS me to help and give to them so…”.

“Well, seeing that you’re busy, I’ll let you go. But we will talk again if YOU have some time”.

I went on through the days, and the weeks, and the months completing my tasks as always. One evening, while studying for my comp exams, I received a call from the hospital concerning my husband. He had been in a terrible accident and was in critical condition. I dropped everything and ran to the hospital where I found my husband hanging on for dear life. I immediately began to pray “Lord, don’t take him now, I can’t bare it” but my prayer echoed off the wall and returned into my ear.

That next morning I left the hospital tired and weary, and walked in the door of my classroom just in time to begin my comps. As the professors begin asking me questions I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

In my mind, I began praying, praying hard, but my prayer echoed again and I found myself upset at the Lord because he was nowhere to be found. I could not explain to them what was happening.

After leaving from my exams, I called in to work because I was so distraught at all that was going on. I explained to my supervisor what had happened and she demanded that I take some time off.

After visiting my husband in the hospital that evening, I went home and fell into a sunken state, crying and despairing. Just then I heard someone calling my name.

“Lord, is that YOU?”

“Well yes it is. Do YOU have some time? I wanted to see if I could just talk….”

Instead of waiting to hear his questions, I lashed out in anger and resentment. “How is it that when I needed you today, YOU couldn’t be found and last night I cried and cried but all I heard were echoes from the walls.

My husband is dying, I’m flunking out of school, I may not have a job and you can just sit and say YOU want to talk”?

The Lord interrupted me in my foolish speaking. “My child, I was busy, out looking for someone to go and tell others about me when you cried. By the time I came to answer, you had moved on to something else. So I decided to let your husband rest, and keep you home for a few days. That way MAYBE you would get in touch with me, if YOU had some time. For you see, before your husband, the community or your job needs you, I NEED YOU. And if all these thing take you away from me, I have to almost take them away from YOU, in order to get a moment”.

I calmed down and began to cry. For I remembered my prayer of wanting to go and do for the Lord. He said “I just wanted to recheck with you to see if you knew of ANYONE that I could send to be a witness for me and tell others about me…anyone at all…”?

With tears in my eyes and feeling so unworthy I said “Lord, send me, I’ll go”.

The Lord should never have to ask us if we have some time. When he died on the cross he put aside everything to insure us eternal life. We should be more than GRATEFUL to do service for the Lord, to witness, and to tell ANYONE we can about Jesus. Don’t let your “things”, WHATEVER they may be, get you so tied up that the Lord has to become a meeting time in your yearly planner.

He has more than enough time for us. The least we could do is have time for him.


MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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beagle2.jpgWhen I was a boy my dad got a new beagle pup from a neighbor of ours. The pup had been born and raised in a barn with cows. So when we got him he immediately moved in at our barn with our fatting calves. During the day you could look out the window of the house and see that crazy pup playing in the barnlot with the calves. And at night you could always find him sleeping in the manger near the calves. We concluded that he must think he was a calf. But as the pup got older a strange thing began to happen. He spent more and more time at the house with the dogs and less and less time at the barn with the calves. You see as he grew up he realized what he was and began to act like it. In many ways this aptly describes the process of Christian growth. As we grow in Christ we realize who we are and begin to act like it.

Author: Dan Upchurch, Pastor, 1st Baptist Church Bismarck, MO

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Salt adds flavor, creates thirst, In the days before modern medicine, salt was often used to disinfect a wound. When it’s applied to the wound, it stings. People won’t always appreciate your witness, because it will sting the wounds of their sin.

We often use salt as a pinch of zest for our food. Salt, as Jesus was speaking about it, was the salt of the earth- not merely to season our food and satisfy our taste buds, but the sodium chloride which kills bacteria, preserves our food, heals our wounds, and makes us buoyant upon the seas of life. The salt of the ocean waters is the salt of the earth.

Ancient Roman baptisms included placing salt on the baby’s tongue as the infant received water. Salt is an essential life-enhancing element! This baptism with salt is not unusual. Armenian babies are salted at birth. Jewish babies are cleaned, salted, and wrapped.

In this short statement Jesus was also warning his disciples to avoid two errors. First, he was saying that Christians must not forsake the world and go into isolation. Why? Salt will do no good to meat unless it is rubbed into it. Only then will it function as an antiseptic. We are to be in the world so that the world may benefit by our difference from the world. And second, he was saying that Christians must also avoid the error of being one with the world and embracing its values and ways.

To be the salt of the earth is to help make our living upon this earth a little more buoyant; it is to lift up the brokenness of the world and tend to it with the same grace which has been given us.

Read Mathew 5:13; Col 4:5-6; I Peter 3:15-16; I Tim 4:2

When I accept Jesus’ call to be the salt of the earth, I give flavor to the world around me. I help conserve God’s goodness in the events and people I encounter.
* Who do I know that needs Christ?
* What can I do with my life to create a thirst for Christ in theirs?

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Dynamite Fishing

dynamite.jpgA game warden heard about a local fisherman that was illegally using dynamite to fish at the local lake. So the next day he decided to investigate and mayby catch the fisherman in the act. At about 6 a.m. he arrived at pier dressed as a fisherman himself and noticed a gentleman climbing into a small boat with a tackle box but no fishing pole.

Thinking that this must be the culprit, he asks if he might join the fisherman and come along for the ride. “Sure” says the angler “I could use the company. It’ll be nice to have someone to talk to while I’m fishing”.

So the game warden climbs aboard and off they row to the middle of the lake. As soon as they reach the middle the fisherman reaches into his tackle box and pulls out a stick of dynamite, lights it and tosses it overboard… CABOOOM!! up float a bunch of dead fish which the fisherman scoops up into the boat.

The game warded pulls out his badge and identifies himself. “I’m the game warden and you’re under arrest for fishing with dynamite!”

About this time the old fisherman lights another stick of dynamite, hands it to the game warden and says,
“You gonna talk or fish?”

When it comes to evangelism, are we just talking, or are we fishing?
Are the methods we use for evangelism effective or do they simply cause a lot of collateral damage?

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Fishing Cards

3×5 cards

On 3×5 cards place the names of different fish. Simply using the names of the fish, youth will be able to group them into humorous categories. There may be some overlap in categories.

MILITARY: swordfish, scabbardfish, archerfish, dartfish, seargentfish, spikefish, javelinfish, soldierfish, spearfish, fightingfish
TOOLS: spadefish, filefish, knifefish, wedgefish, sawfish, pipefish, hatchetfish, sicklefish, siphonfish, scissorfish, shovelfish, handsaw fish, paddlefish, oarfish, telescopefish, tripodfish
ANIMALS: cowfish, milkfish, lionfish, manefish, skunkfish, stinkfish, Elephant Fish, tuskfish, frogfish, toadfish, batfish, dragon fish, pigfish, boarfish, porkfish, porcupine fish, pony fish, horsefish, saddlefish, unicorn fish, beaverfish, squirrelfish, zebra fish, spiderfish, rabbitfish, lizardfish, snakefish, tigerfish, rhino-fish, pantherfish, monkeyfish, leopardfish
FLAGS: flagfish, bannerfish, pennant fish, ribbonfish
GEMS: Jewelfish, pearlfish, gemfish, rubyfish, opalfish
MUSICAL: Singingfish, trumpet fish, flutemouth, guitarfish, bandfish
VESSELS: barrelfish, sackfish, boxfish, tubfish
PEOPLE: surgeonfish, doctorfish, kingfish, queenfish, ladyfish, damselfish, Knightfish, grannyfish, pilotfish, clownfish, nurseryfish, tonguefish
BIRDS: parrotfish, turkeyfish, hen fish, roosterfish, hawkfish, goosefish, peacock fish, ravenfish, wing fish, flying fish
HYGENE: razorfish, beardfish, mirrorfish, combfish, hairyfish, soapfish, ragfish
SPIRITUAL: angelfish, devilfish, monkfish, priestfish, crossfish, shepherdfish, sheepshead, wolffish, sowfish, harvestfish, goatfish
LIGHT: headlight fish, lanternfish, flashlight fish, lampfish, penlightfish, lightfish
COOKING: puddingfish, jellyfish, skilletfish, platefish, ricefish, noodlefish
FELINE: catfish, ratfish, mousefish
CANINE: dogfish, pupfish, houndfish
SEWING: needlefish, threadfish, pinfish
ASTRONOMY: sunfish, moonfish, Starfish
TEMPERATURE: frostfish, icefish, firefish
OFFICE: pencilfish, paperfish, pinfish
CRAWLIES: scorpionfish, stingfish, butterflyfish
FRUITS: pineapple fish, mangofish, lemonfish
NATIVE AMERICAN: redskinfish, squawfish, indianfish

Activity 1
Tape the name of a fish on each person’s back and ask them to ask “yes” or “no”questions to discover their identity

Activity 2
Play a game of charades using the fish cards

Activity 3
Use fish names from the cards that have some relationship to each other. Have each youth find a partner that somehow relates to the name of his/her fish.

Activity 4
Bring in items such as a leaf, a needle, etc. Have youth use the object to draw a funny picture of what the fish might look like. Compare with photos of the real fish for lots of fun!

Activity 5
Play a game of pictionary using the fish names– You draw pictures instead of act out the words.

You can get various pictures of fish from a fish book or aquarium guide. Ask kids to try to name the different types of fish from the pictures. You can find out more about these fish and many more on the internet at: http://www.fishbase.org/search.cfm – There are also many photos at this site.

Use these as an icebreaker for a lesson on evangelism from Matthew 4:17-22 relating it to how we are to be “fishers of men”

Discussion Ideas
1. How is telling others about Jesus similar to fishing?
2. Lures are attractive to fish. How can you make the good news of Jesus attractive to your friends?

Related Ideas
Humor: Dynamite Fishing
Devotional: Tank test
Game: Fishing for Men
Illustration: Aquarium Sharks
Object Lesson: Bait!
For other related ideas search for “fish” or “evangelism”.

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Card Sharks

Deck of normal playing cards. Additional decks can be added for larger groups.

Icebreaker Activity
Ask students to pick cards from the deck that represent something about themselves. These repesentations can be as shallow or deep as the students’ imaginations. Have youth mingle and share with one another their names and the cards they have chosen and why. One might choose a two because they have “2 parents” or “two feet” etc. Another student might choose an ace because they strive to “be an ‘ace’ at everything they do… The opportunities are limitless.

Force specific combinations of youth by telling them to group themselves in groups in which the face value their cards add up to a count of “20.” Choose another sum to rearrange the youth. (Count facecards as 10 or as the corresponding numerical value up to 13) You may also designate groups of 5 and specific poker hands to form…. (e.g. flush, straight, 2 pair-with one extra person to make 5 cards, 3 of a kind, four of a kind, etc.)

Get the youth to randomly split into two teams and play “go fish” using the remaining cards. The largest team at the end wins. You can also play your favorite game of cards with a little creativity.

Before the activity, write a question on each card to be shared when the youth are mixing together. (e.g. what is your favorite icecream, most embarassing moment, favorite musicial, favorite scripture, etc.)

Use the mixer as a game of elimination. When you call out specific groupings of cards, if groups do not meet the specified criteria or are the last group to form meeting the criteria, they are eliminated from the game. Last remaining group is the winner.

Remove 10s and all facecards. Have students choose a partner who card added to theirs will result in a sum of 10… the combinations are numerous (1-9, 2-8, 3-7, 4-6, 5-5)

Ask the youth to split into two teams and build the highest house of cards.

Play a variation of “stratego” between two teams. Remove cards from the deck so that there is 1-ace, 2-two, 3 three’s, etc. Designate jokers as bombs. Leave only one king. The king can be captured by any card. Use the jack with the sword to his head as the spy. Play the game just as you would “stratego”, but have teams send representatives to a person on the opposing team to do battle. Do not reveal the card numbers to teams, but merely who is the victor of the battle. Those who lose battle cannot reveal the victors total to their teams and are removed to a graveyard area. First team to kill the king wins.

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!

Tank Test

oscar.jpgI am fish-sitting for one of the children’s Sunday School classes again. The last time I did this we had one casualty. There’s only five goldfish, but it reminds me of the days when I had three aquariums of various sizes. My prize fish was a Tiger Oscar, with orange and black stripes. I also had a Plecostomas, which was like a little spotted shark with a suction cup to eat all the garbage in the aquarium. It resided in the back of the aquarium during the day, but if you quickly turned on the lights at night you could see it sucking on the glass. The Oscar slept at night so I guess you might say they had different social schedules. I don’t think they liked each other much, probably because the Oscar would have made a meal of the plecostomas if he could have, but he couldn’t quite swallow him. There were also some spotted catfish in the aquarium. Oscar actually tried to eat one of them once and instead received a bad case of indigestion as it was caught in his throat. He almost choked as apparently none of the other fish knew the heimlich manuever. Fortunately, I found him in time and he recovered. Unfortunately, the catfish didn’t recover.

I guess you could say I know about fish, fish tanks, fish filters, fish food, and fish stuff. There’s a lot to fish that your average person doesn’t realize or even care about that much. Initially my knowledge didn’t go beyond the basics. Like, if a fish is swimming upside down it is probably dead. Or, dead fish look bigger in the aquarium than than the do just before you flush them down the toilet. I also discovered fish will eat and eat and eat until they explode which is why you only feed them a little at a time. I think I had also read that fish must rest half an hour after they eat or they’ll get cramps and drown, but that story now sounds a little fishy to me.

One of my aquariums had a clear plastic partition down the middle. I think that one or two of the fish that died might have run into the wall, knocked themselves out, and drowned, but I am not sure.

Anyway, now I know about wet/ dry filters, algea eaters, brackish water, etc. I always wanted a bigger tank and even now I miss my aquariums. I think I developed a fish fetish. Fish have a way of doing that to people. You might start with five goldfish in a glass jar, but then you add this and that and before you know it you have a tank the size of the Great Barrier Reef and Sentosa’s Underwater Aquarium is calling to see if you can keep a dolphin for the weekend.

“Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs- He wants to please his commanding officer.” (II Timothy 2:3-4)

Sometimes my fish died because the water in the tank didn’t have enough of something or too much of something else. The tank was unbalanced. When life has a bitter taste, when our tomorrows appear cloudy and murky, when all our fish are floating belly up, it’s time to test our waters and see what is out of balance.

Paul’s words to Timothy is the tank tester we need. It’s a fairly simple test, merely a small question. Are you caught up in the things of the world or are you seeking to please Christ? What is the center of your life?

Sometimes get caught up in the things of the world as we try to keep a daytime calendar that requires 25 hour days. We then wonder why we are so tired or never have time to do anything. We spend so much time and energy working to get the things our society values that in the end we don’t have time to enjoy them or the things in life that are so much more important – fellowship with God, family, and friends. Sometimes we may feel like we have charged into an invisible wall, have been knocked out by frustrations and tragedies, and are drowning in despair. Sometimes we may have spiritual indigestion because we have eaten too much of the things of the world or we are choking from trying to eat the wrong things.

Why not look over your activities this week as and ask yourself the questions, “How can I please Christ in the things I do? Is my life out of balance? What things do I need to add to my schedule or remove from it to get my life into balance?”

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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Bible Jokes

What bird placed Jonah in th belly of the fish?
A Swallow

Where in the Bible does it suggest that men wash dishes?
II Kings 21:13
“And I will wipe Jeras as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down to dry”

What bird placed Jonah in th belly of the fish?
A Swallow

Where in the Bible does it suggest that men wash dishes?
II Kings 21:13
“And I will wipe Jeras as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down to dry”

What did Noah say while he was loading all the animals into the ark?
“Now I’ve herd everything.”

What man in the Bible spoke when he was a very small baby?
Job (Job 3:1) “Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth”

Who was the best financier in the Bible?
Noah: He floated his stock while the world was in liquidation

What insect went to Egypt on a donkey?
The Flea: The angel told Joseph to take mary, the baby and flee into Egypt.

What simple affliction brought about the death of Sampson?
Falling Arches

What animal could noah not trust?
The Cheetah

Why was Adam a famous runner?
Because he was first in the human race?

What animal in the ark had the smallest appetite?
A moth he just eats holes

How do we know Cain took a nap when he left Eden?
He went to the land of Nod

Who was the first space traveler?
Elijah: He went up in a fiery chariot.

How do we know God has a sense of humor?
Because he can take a rib.

Why did wise men have ashes on their shoes?
Because the cam from afar.

What do we have that Adam never had?

Why did the unemployed man get excited while looking through his Bible?
He thought he saw a job.

Why was Adam created first?
To give him a chance to say something.

Who was the most successful physician in the Bible?
Job: He had the most patients

Who was the greatest comic in the Bible?
Luke: He kept them in stitches

Where is tennis mentioned in the Bible?
When Joseph served in Pharoah’s court

Who was the most ambitious man in the bible?
Jonah: Because even the great fish couldn’t keep him down.

How do we know Peter was a rich fisherman?
By his net income

At what time was Adam born?
A little before Eve

How can you tell that David was older than Goliath?
Because David rocked Goliath to sleep.

Why did Noah punish the chickens?
Because they were using fowl language

To what question could Eve never say yes?
When Adam asked if she had heard a joke from anyone else

Why was Solomon the wisest man in the world?
Because he had so many wives to advise him

Where is medicine first mentioned in the Bible?
When God gave Moses two tablets

When did moses sleep with five people at once?
When he slept with his fore fathers

What kind of lights did Noah have on the ark?
Flood lights

Why couldn’t Jonah trust the ocean?
Because he know there was something fishy about it

When was radio first mentioned in the Bible?
When the Lord took a rib from Adam and made a loud speaker

Who was the straightest man in the Bible?
Joseph: Pharoah made a ruler of him

What did Adam and Eve do when the were expelled from the Garden of Eden?
They raised Cain

Where could the Israelites have deposited their money?
At the banks of the Jordan

When is high financing first mentioned in the Bible?
When pharoah’s daughter took a little prophet from bulrushes

Was there any money on the ark?
Yes: The duck took a bill, The frog took a green back, and the skunk took a scent.

How did Mary show that Jesus was a gift to the world?
She wrapped him

When was the Jordan river angry?
When someone crossed it

What money did Noah carry into the ark?
Bucks and doe

What Bible character may have been only a foot tall?
Nicodemus since he was a ruler.

What did the duck say when Noah gave him his lunch?
You can put this lunch on my bill

What was the speech the angry umpire gave the pitcher and coach God?
Sermon on the mound

What was the smartest animal on the ark?
The snake: No one could pull his leg

What animal was most miserable on the ark?
The Kangaroo: her children had to play inside in the rain

In what state would Noah feel most at home?

Why were the horses aboard the ark Pessimistic?
They were always saying neigh

When was Baseball first mentioned in the Bible?
Genesis: In the Big inning

Who are the two most famous baseball players in the Bible?
Rebekah: walked to the well with a pitcher
Prodigal son: He made a home run

Who was the most wicked man in the Bible?
Moses: He broke all the ten commandments at once

Where in the Bible does it talk about smoking
Genesis: Rebekah lighted off her camel (KJV)

Why were Peter, Andrew James and John the best letter writers?
Because as fishermen they learned to drop a line.

Who in the Bible drove a foreign car?
The apostles: They were all in one accord

Who introduced the first walking stick in the Bible?
Eve when she presented Adam a little Cain

What did Noah tell his sons fishing off the ark?
Go easy on the worms, we only have two

Who was the shortest man in the Bible?
Bildad the Shuhite (shoe-height)
Next smallest?
Nehemiah (knee high miah)

Who was the smallest man in the Bible?
The guard who slept on his watch

What state is mentioned in the Bible?
Arkansas: Noah looked out from the ark and saw

Why was the dyslexic agnostic an insomniac?
He stayed up all night worrying about whether there was DOG or not

Get Icebreakers ebookIcebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level

This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.

Click here to find out how to get your hands on this incredible resource!


balloon_bunch.jpgEverywhere he went, the man carried brightly colored balloons. He enjoyed watching them float above his head. And it was easy to hold the string in his hand or wrap it around his wrist and take his colorful balloons wherever he went. The other people where he worked were accustomed to seeing them. They didn’t mind; it brightened the office a little. Even at night the balloons would float above the man as he slept.

One day he went to the fair and had a great time. At the fair he could blend into the atmosphere of the rides and lights and noise. Oh, sometimes people tried to buy his balloons, thinking he was a vendor, but of course he wouldn’t sell even one. At one of the booths he filled in a ticket to see if he could win a free ocean cruise. He certainly didn’t plan on winning, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Yet two weeks later a telegram came–he had won! He would enjoy great entertainment and the world’s finest chef providing his meals. Talk about excited! The man started packing immediately. He was ready to go days before it was time to leave.

On the morning of the big day, he called a taxi and had the driver take him to the dock very slowly. He had to go slowly because the balloons wouldn’t all fit in the taxi and he had to hold some of them out the window. At the dock he unloaded his luggage, went aboard ship, and was welcomed by the officials who had planned his trip. They even had someone take his suitcases down to his cabin while he stayed on deck and enjoyed the activity. The ship was crowded. Many people were aboard just to say good-bye to friends. Confetti, horns, streamers–and lots of balloons. He felt right at home.

Eventually the visitors left and the voyage was begun. It was great! Sailing on a big ocean liner was really refreshing. It also made him very hungry. Someone told the balloon man that the evening meal was in just one hour–a welcome relief!

The balloon man, still clutching his balloons and refusing to part with even one, eagerly awaited the dinner bell of this luxury cruise.

When they rang the bell, he started to walk toward the dining room on the second deck. The aroma of the food was so enticing. There was one problem, though. Whoever had designed the ship hadn’t left enough room for a man with a handful of balloons to get down the passageway. You could do it if you released some of the balloons, but the balloon man just couldn’t do that. He had seen some crackers and cheese on the upper deck earlier, so he went back and ate that instead. It was good. Maybe not as good as the chef’s dinner but it was good enough. Besides, he had his balloons.

That night the sunset was beautiful and it was exciting to walk along the deck. But it sure got cold quickly after that. Sea air not only makes you hungry, it makes you tired as well. He asked one of the ship’s crew where his room was, and the crewman took him down a wide hall and opened the door of his cabin.

It was beautiful. They had given him one of the classiest rooms on the ship. He could see that the interior decorating was the best. And the bed looked inviting. Unfortunately, the door to the cabin was so designed that he couldn’t get all the balloons in without breaking some. He tried, but it just wouldn’t work.

Back on deck he found some blankets and a deck chair. He tied the balloons around his wrist and the arm of the chair and tried to sleep. The next morning he was still tired. All that day he ate crackers and cheese and that night he slept on deck again.

The next morning the balloon man received an engraved invitation from the captain of the ship. He had been invited to sit at the captain’s table and enjoy the specialty of the world famous chef. He would prepare it especially for the balloon man. All that day the man watched as the crew made preparations for the evening banquet, and at 8:00 p.m. the ships bell rang and the passengers began to go to the dining room. The man watched them go. Soon he could hear the murmur of voices, the sound of silverware and the clink of glasses.

The aroma of the food became even more enticing.

He stood at the end of the passage way for some time. Finally he walked to the back of the ship. He could still hear the dinner in progress. He reached in his pocket and felt the engraved invitation. He knew there was a special place reserved for him at the captain’s table. Then he looked up at his balloons. It was hard to do, but slowly–very, very slowly (he hadn’t unclenched his hand for years)–one at a time he uncurled his fingers. One by one the balloons began to drift away.

As he watched, the wind caught them and blew them out of sight. The man turned and walked down the passageway. That night, as a guest at the captain’s table, he enjoyed the finest meal and the best companionship he’d ever known.

Are you hanging on to a handful of balloons that keep you from being close to Jesus? What are the names of your balloons? Are they friends? Bad habits? Sex? Possessions? Your pride? Your popularity? Maybe it’s time to just let those balloons go so that you can enjoy the relationship with Christ that is yours for the taking.

“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles us” (Hebrews 12:1).

Author: Keith Kluksdahl
Source: Unknown

MORE IDEAS? See “Creative Object Lessons”

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.

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