We sing “Sweet Hour of Prayer” and are content with 5-10 minutes.
We sing “Onward Christian Soldier” and wait to be drafted into His service.
We sing “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” and don’t use the one we have.
We sing “There Shall be Showers of Blessings” but do not come when it rains.
We sing “Blest Be The Tie That Binds” and let the least little offense sever it.
We sing “Serve the Lord With Gladness” and gripe about all we have to do.
We sing “The Whole Wide World For Jesus” and never invite our next door neighbor.
We sing “Cast Thy Burden on the Lord” and worry ourselves into nervous breakdowns.
We sing “We’re Marching to Zion” but fail to march to worship or Sunday School.
We sing “I Love to Tell the Story” and never mention it all.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.