- On 10 sheets of paper place the numbers 1-10.
- Tape these across the floor on one side of the room.
- Ask youth to stand on the sheet of paper that corresponds to how they feel about the any or all the statements below. (scale: 1 highly disagree, 10 highly agree)
- You may choose to ask youth why they have chosen their positions on the scale.
- Alcohol abuse is a serious problem at my school.
- Most parents of youth at my school do not know their teens drink.
- Most parents of youth at my school do not care if their teens drink.
- Drugs are not a problem at my school.
- Most youth at my school drink because they think alcohol tastes good.
- Most youth at my school drink because it is the cool thing to do.
- Christian youth at my school do not drink.
- It is a sin for youth to drink.
- A youth is affected only while actually using alcohol.
- A youth is an addict only when the addiction become apparent to others.
- Alcoholism is the third cause of early death behind cancer & heart disease.
- A youth is not addicted if he or she can periodically control his or her drinkingYouth with good mental health do not become addicted; imbalanced youth do.
- Cutting down can lead to cutting out alcohol all together.
- If you think you have had too much to drink, the best solution is to drink black coffee and get some fresh air.
- The stages of alcohol abuse are experimentation, then social-recreational use, preoccupation, then finally dependency.
- If a Christian youth were in a dark room, no one saw them buy the alcohol, and no one could see them, and they only drank a little, but did not get drunk, would it be wrong?
*These are questions for youth discussions. Different churches and individuals may have different perspectives on the issues. They can be used as an introductory discussion to “how we treat our body as a temple of God”, gray areas in scripture, purity, decisions and choices and a variety of other topics for youth.

200 page e-book that explains everything you need to know when planning your very own object lessons. It contains 90 fully developed object lesson ideas and another 200 object lesson starter ideas based on Biblical idioms and Names / Descriptions of God.