Often, well known scripture passages and events gain new life when told from a different perspective. Assign class members the roles of different people a passage. If we were to use Mark 14, then read the Mark 14, and have each person retell the story from the perspective of the person’s role they were assigned.
Possible roles are:
1. Jesus annointed with Perfume – Jesus, Chief priests and teachers of the law, people (crowd), Simon the Leper, Mary the sister of Martha (the woman with the jar of perfume), disciples, Judas Iscariot
2. The Lord’s Supper – man carrying the jar of the water, the owner of the house with the large upper room, the disciples, Judas, Peter, Jesus
3. Garden of Gethsemane – Peter-James-John, God the Father, Jesus
4. Jesus’ Arrest – The servant of the High Priest who had his ear cut off, the streaker who lost His garment, guards, Jesus, disciples
5. Jesus Before the Sanhedrin – Sanhedrin, High Priest, Jesus, guards, those who were asked to give false testimony
6. Peter denies Christ – the servant girl who questioned Peter, the crowd, Peter
Some more creative roles would be to tell the story from the following perspectives:
1. Annointed with Perfume – from the perfume’s perspective
2. The Lord’s Supper – the unleavened bread and wine, the table, the upper room
3. Garden of Gethsemane – the garden itself
4. Jesus’ Arrest – the streaker’s lost garment, the ear, the swords and clubs, the kiss
5. Before the Sanhedrin – The house of the high priest, the high priest’s torn robes, the hands which struck Jesus, the blindfold Jesus was made to wear
6. Peter denies Christ – the rooster, the fire by which Peter was warming himself, Peter’s tears
1. Discuss the insights and lessons learned from this activity.
2. Do this same process for key Biblical events in both the Old and New Testaments
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