Game Description
Sitting in a circle, youth toss a ball of string to someone else in the circle. The person receiving the string must name a quality, item, or something else related to the lesson.
Game Materials
Ball of string or yarn
Game Play
Example: Name a Quality of friendship
- Sit the group on the floor in a circle.
- Holding firmly to the string, toss it to a person in the circle.
- The person receiving the string must name a quality (of the person who tossed it to him/her) that makes them a good friend.
- The person then, holding firmly onto the string, tosses the ball on to another person. The string should be held above the ground.
- Continue until everyone has received the string at least once and said at least one quality of a friend that the person who tosses it to them possesses.
- Of the qualities mentioned which do you value most?
- Who are your friends?
- How can we be better friends?
- Why are friends important?
What makes a friend is the connections we make, the events we share, the discussions we share. Eventually, if we fail to share with each other or if we do things that “break” the relationship the friendship begins to fall apart. John 15 speaks of the “Vine and the branches” and the connectedness we must maintain with Christ! Fortunately the Bible says we have a friend that sticks closer than a brother- Jesus.
What are some of the qualities of God as a friend?
Apply it
What is one quality of a friend you will work to show in your actions this week? Who will you show it to? How?

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