Use famous friendships to match couples in this icebreaker/crowdbreaker
Below is a list of famous / semi-famous friendships. While this certainly is not a complete list, it is a start. These can be used in several ways:
- Who am i?: Place a tag/ sticker with each name on the back of people as they enter the meeting. Do not tell them that these are pairs of friends. Their task is to mingle around asking “yes” or “no” questions to discover the character on the tag. After a brief time of mingling have each person find his or her “friend” and share a quality they look for in a friend! (The three stooges are included in case you have an odd number of people.) If the group is small you might give out only one of each pair and then once everyone has discovered his/her identity have them name the friend associated with the person on the tag they have been given.
- Name the Most Famous Friends: Have youth make a list of famous friends. Award the team or individual youth with the most. Award extra points if Jesus and John are mentioned. Do not count famous couples (i.e. husband and wife).
- Double charades: Divide the group into 2 or more teams. Divide each team into pairs and have each pair attempt to get their team to guess the famous friends.
Famous Friends
Tom & Jerry
Jesus & John
Snoopy & Charlie
Abbott & Costello
Laurel & Hardy
Batman & Robin
Lone Ranger & Tonto
David & Jonathan
Fred & Barney
Snoopy & Woodstock
Bill & Ted
Thelma & Louise
Lucy & Ethyl
Chip & Dale
Pinky & Brain
Curly & Larry & Moe
Shaq & Hardoway
Betty & Veronica
Archie & Jughead
Luke Skywalker & Han Solo
Lois & Clark
Barnum & Bailey
Calvin & Hobbes
Laverne & Shirley
Beavis & Butt-head
Asterix & Obelix
Bert & Ernie
Chip & Dale
Frodo Baggins & Sam Gamgee
Gumby & Pokey
Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson
Kirk & Spock
Mutt & Jeff
Rocky & Bullwinkle
Tintin & Snowy
Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn
Be sure to add any famous friendships from recent television shows or youth culture.
Can be used with Active Listening With a Game for after the icebreaker to continue the theme of friendship. Then do a lesson on famous friendships in the Bible.

Icebreakers Ahead: Take It To the Next Level
This 170 page resource not only provides 52 of the world’s most popular group icebreaker activities and games, but also includes lesson ideas and discussion questions to smoothly transition into conversations about the issues common to most groups.
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