A list of animals that are easily characterised by their sounds.
Crowdbreaker Description
Youth make the sounds of animals and follow the sounds to find the rest of their teammates
Make a list of animals that are easily characterised by their sounds. Some Possibilities are:
Cows or Bulls, Tigers or Lions, Pigs, Chickens or Roosters, Donkeys, Sheep, Dogs or Wolves, Turkeys, Owls, Ducks, Snakes, Dolphins, Seals, Monkeys or Gorillas or Apes, Frogs or Toads, Elephants
Crowdbreaker Activity
Assign an animal to every person in the room making sure that the animals assigned are scattered around the room. Then shut out the lights (or have participants close their eyes) and have the participants make the animal sound assigned to them. They must then mingle around the room (in the dark) listening for the other animals of their kind and group together.
Number people off as they enter the room. Later assign animals to the numbers. Great for splitting up participants into random groups.

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